Prof. Khalid Arar Ph.D.

Over the past two decades, I have dedicated myself professionally and academically to the Arab education. Particularly, I have been involved in comparing Arab and Jews in terms of educational needs, problems and service delivery systems. The comparative perspective with the Jewish population seems strategically important as it reflects crucial policy issues such as differential allocation of resources and universal features of educational problems in Israel. From this perspective I consider my work to be action research which is meant to address educational problems from evidence based practice perspective and give voice and empower groups which are voiceless and disadvantaged.
I have a strong affinity with the education field at various levels: as a teacher, involved with pupil learning and the functioning of the school as an organization. I have chaired local government forums, and was responsible for a three-community transition program with eight schools under its jurisdiction. I have also served as a lecturer in the Arab Academic Institute of the Beit Berl Academic College, where I taught in the Excellence program, seminars and workshop courses. I also taught a course in Planning and Evaluation as part of a second degree course in Education Management and in a course for the Training of School Principals, tutoring students in the performance of projects and final papers. I have been also engaged in principals' qualification program and minoring of novice school principals.
Currently am serving as Ass. editor of the The International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE) and member of the editorial board of International Journal of Educational Management and Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Email: [email protected]

An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Waleed Sweileh