Dr. Mohammad Qneibi earned a doctorate in neurochemistry from the State University of New York, Albany. Dr. Qneibi then pursued postdoctoral training at Yale University School of Medicine and Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Medicine. He joined the faculty at An-Najah University in 2016. He is the Director/Founder of the Center for Neuroscience Research and an Associate Professor in the Biomedical Sciences Department. Dr. Qneibi's research focuses on membrane proteins on the cell's surface. Extracellular signals, such as neurotransmitters, hormones, and sensory stimuli, regulate the activity of all cells. These signals are transmitted into the cell's interior via membrane receptor proteins. The primary research interest in my lab is understanding the mechanisms by which these membrane proteins facilitate signal transmission and transduction. He is particularly interested in the kinetic and molecular mechanisms of protein function, as well as how protein-protein and protein-drug interactions influence structure and function. In addition, he is working to develop more effective inhibitors/potentiators to regulate membrane protein function. In the long run, he expects his research will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of action of these molecular machines and valuable insights for developing molecular devices that can be used as diagnostic and detection tools for disease treatment and the study of signal transduction pathways. Dr. Qneibi's research takes an interdisciplinary approach, combining electrophysiology, neuroscience, molecular biology, biochemical and biophysical chemistry, and membrane protein-specific rapid kinetic techniques.

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- Prof. Waleed Sweileh