Dr. Faris Abushamma (MD, HSUrol(MSc), FPBU, FRCS(Urol)) is an associate professor at An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine. He holds a doctorate in Medicine and Health Science from the university. Dr. Abushamma is a consultant urologist at Najah National University Hospital, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh's Surgical Specialty Board in Urology, and an honorary urological consultant for the Bristol Urological Institute. He directs the Urology Center of Excellence at An-Najah National University Hospital. He also serves on the highest research committee and the Board of Trustees at An-Najah University Hospital in Nablus, Palestine.

An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
Nablus, Palestine
- P.O. Box
- 7, 707
- Fax
- (970)(9)2345982
- Tel.
- (970)(9)2345560
- (970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
- [email protected]
- Prof. Waleed Sweileh