A senior leader in clinical pharmacology, currently Senior Director and TA
Lead in Quantitative Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics at Merck & Co., where he
oversees cardiovascular and metabolic therapeutic areas. He brings over 15 years of
experience, having previously held key roles at Gilead Sciences, Astellas Pharma, and the
FDA, where he served as Team Leader in Clinical Pharmacology. Dr. Younis holds a
Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from West Virginia University and has
taught as an Adjunct Professor at George Washington University. His expertise includes
drug development, regulatory sciences, and public health.

An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
Nablus, Palestine
- P.O. Box
- 7, 707
- Fax
- (970)(9)2345982
- Tel.
- (970)(9)2345560
- (970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
- [email protected]
- Prof. Waleed Sweileh