BARAKAT A. was born in Egypt in 1981. (B.Sc. Chemistry in 2002,
Alexandria University, Egypt; Ph. D. in 2010 from Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy in
a joint program with ETH, Zurich, Switzerland and University of Stuttgart, Germany. He
joined King Saud University in 2011 as assistant Professor, then promoted into associate
professor in 2017. Research interest focus on the organic synthesis of biologically active
compounds. He has been accomplished more than 160 articles and 3 patents. Supervised
6 Master students and 3 PhD students. He has got Arab Chemistry Award 2016 (Saudi
Chemical Society Scientific Excellence Award for Youth Section).
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An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
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- P.O. Box
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- Prof. Waleed Sweileh