Prof. Samah Al-Jabi was born in 1979 in Palestine. She got a B.Sc. degree in pharmacy in 2001 at An-Najah National University and a master's degree in clinical pharmacology at Jordan University of Science and Technology/Jordan. In 2009, she was awarded the Islamic Development Bank Scholarship to complete her Ph.D. in clinical pharmacy at Universiti Sains Malaysia/ Malaysia. She is the head of the Clinical and Community Pharmacy Department at An-Najah National University and the coordinator of the Master’s of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management. She was selected among the list released by Stanford University, which includes the top 2% of scientists worldwide for the previous three consecutive years, based on the Scopus database in collaboration with major global publishers Elsevier. Her research interests include Medication counseling and compliance, Ambulatory care services and therapeutics, Community pharmacy practice—pharmacy intervention, Pharmacotherapeutics in critical care patients, and Drug usage evaluation.

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- Prof. Waleed Sweileh