Dr Riad Amer is an Associate Professor of medicine and consultant hematologist.
Earned his MB ChB degree in Medicine from Basrah University in Iraq in 1985
Dr Amer completed his higher training in general Medicine and hematology and was awarded the degrees of FRCPI from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and FRCPath from the Royal College of Pathologists in London, UK in the field of Hematology
Dr Amer was also awarded the Jordanian boards in Medicine and hematology
With almost four decades experience in the fields of medicine and hematology, he is now the lead person in the hematology department at Al Najah National University Hospital (NNUH) .
Dr Amer has been privileged to establish the Autologous Bone Marrow transplant unit at NNUH in 2014
He was also the lead person to establish the Palestinian Oncologists Society affiliated to the Jordan Medical Association, Jerusalem branch in 2007
Dr Amer was responsible for the training program in hematology and oncology at the Palestinian Medical council between 2011 and 2023 which supervises the training protocols and awarding the Board degrees in hematology or oncology
Dr Amer authored around 20 publications in the fields of medicine and hematology and supervised many student projects in the same fields

Nablus, Palestine
- P.O. Box
- 7, 707
- Fax
- (970)(9)2345982
- Tel.
- (970)(9)2345560
- (970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
- [email protected]
- Prof. Waleed Sweileh