The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district
Article info
1787 - 1824
- Adolescents
- Self-Esteem
- Depression
- behavioral cognitive approach
This study aimed to confirm the effectiveness of a group-counseling program based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem among a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district. The participants of the study consisted of thirty (30) students aging 12-14 years. They are enrolled in the seventh and eighth grades in one of the schools affiliated with the Northwestern Badia Brigade in the Mafraq region. Among 130 students, they volunteered to participate in the pilot program after obtaining high marks on the Kovacs scale for child and adolescent depression and the self-esteem scale during the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020. The study participants were randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The participants in the experimental group (15 students) underwent a pilot program consisting of 10 sessions, while their counterparts in the control group (15 students) were not enrolled in any training. The results of the multi-variance analysis showed that there are statistically significant differences on the scale of depression between the two study groups in favor of the experimental group in relation to the overall score of the scale. There is also a statistically significant difference on the scale of self-esteem between the two study groups and in favor of the experimental group, which indicates the efficiency of the indicative program in reducing the depression severity and improving self-esteem feelings. The study recommended the importance of applying the Counseling Programs that are based on the Behavioral Cognitive Approach in Reducing Depression symptoms and low Self-esteem among adolescent students.
Khaled, A. B. (2022). The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 36(9), 1787–1824.
[1]A. B. Khaled, “The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1787–1824, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.35552/0247-036-009-002.
Khaled, Ahmad Bani. “The Effectiveness of Counseling Programs Based on Behavioral Cognitive Approach in Reducing the Severity of Depression and Improving the Sense of Self-Esteem of a Sample of Adolescents in the Northwestern Badia District.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, Sept. 2022, pp. 1787–824. Crossref,
1.Khaled AB. The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2022 Sep;36(9):1787–824. Available from:
Khaled, Ahmad Bani. “The Effectiveness of Counseling Programs Based on Behavioral Cognitive Approach in Reducing the Severity of Depression and Improving the Sense of Self-Esteem of a Sample of Adolescents in the Northwestern Badia District.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 36, no. 9 (September 2022): 1787–1824.
فاعليّةُ برنامج إرشادي قائم على المنْحى المعرفي السلوكي في خفضِ شدّةِ الاكتئابِ وتحسينِ الشعورِ بتقديرِ الذّاتِ عندَ عيّنةٍ من المراهقين في لواءِ الباديةِ الشماليّة الغربيّة
معلومات المقال
1787 - 1824
الكلمات الإفتتاحية
- Adolescents
- Self-Esteem
- Depression
- behavioral cognitive approach
هدفتْ هذه الدراسةُ إلى التأكّد منْ فاعليّةِ برنامج إرشاد جمعي قائم على المنْحى المعرفي السلوكي في خفضِ شدّةِ الاكتئابِ وتحسينِ الشعورِ بتقديرِ الذاتِ عندَ عيّنةٍ من المراهقين في لواءِ الباديةِ الشماليّةِ الغربيّة. تكوّنتْ عيّنةُ الدّراسة منْ ثلاثين (30) طالباً، منْ الفئة العمريّة (12-14) عاماً، منْ المسجّلين في الصّفين السابع والثامن في إحدى المدارس التّابعة للواءِ الباديةِ الشماليّةِ الغربيّةِ في منطقةِ المفرق، والذين وافقوا على المشاركةِ في البرنامجِ الإرشادي بمحضِ إرادتهم منْ بينِ (130) طالباً، بعدما حصلوا على درجاتٍ مرتفعة على مقياس كوفاكس لاكتئاب الأطفال والمراهقين، ومقياس تقدير الذات، في الفصل الأول من العام الدراسي 2019/2020. تمّ تقسيم عيّنة الدراسة عشوائيّاً إلى مجموعتين: مجموعة تجريبيّة، ومجموعة ضابطة. خضع المشاركون في المجموعة التجريبيّة والبالغ عددهم (15) طالباً لبرنامج إرشادي مكوّن من (10) جلسات، في حين لمْ يشارك نظرائهم في المجموعة الضابطة والبالغ عددهم (15) طالباً بأيّ تدريب. أظهرتْ نتائج تحليل التباين الأحادي بأنّه توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائيّة على مقياس الاكتئاب بين مجموعتي الدراسة ولصالح المجموعة التجريبيّة بالنسبة للدرجة الكليّة للمقياس، ووجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائيّة على مقياس تقدير الذات بين مجموعتي الدراسة ولصالح المجموعة التجريبيّة، ممّا يشيرُ إلى كفاءة البرنامج الإرشادي في خفض شدّة الاكتئاب، وتحسين الشعور بتقدير الذات. وأوصتْ الدّراسةُ بأهميّة تطبيق البرامج الارشاديّة القائمة على المنحى المعرفي السلوكي في خفض أعراض الاكتئاب، وتدنّي تقدير الذات لدى الطلبة المراهقين.
Khaled, A. B. (2022). The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 36(9), 1787–1824.
[1]A. B. Khaled, “The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1787–1824, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.35552/0247-036-009-002.
Khaled, Ahmad Bani. “The Effectiveness of Counseling Programs Based on Behavioral Cognitive Approach in Reducing the Severity of Depression and Improving the Sense of Self-Esteem of a Sample of Adolescents in the Northwestern Badia District.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, Sept. 2022, pp. 1787–824. Crossref,
1.Khaled AB. The effectiveness of counseling programs based on behavioral cognitive approach in reducing the severity of depression and improving the sense of self-esteem of a sample of adolescents in the northwestern Badia district. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2022 Sep;36(9):1787–824. Available from:
Khaled, Ahmad Bani. “The Effectiveness of Counseling Programs Based on Behavioral Cognitive Approach in Reducing the Severity of Depression and Improving the Sense of Self-Esteem of a Sample of Adolescents in the Northwestern Badia District.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 36, no. 9 (September 2022): 1787–1824.

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