An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State's Public Life

Article info

865 - 890



This research casts the light on the Saljuq minister Nizam al-Mulk and his role in the political, administrative and cultural life. Despite poverty, he fulfilled his ambition of being a minister by his intelligence and personal qualifications. During his ministry, which lasted thirty years, he achieved a lot in security and justice. He abolished taxes and established the feudal military system instead of the salary system. He crowned his achievements with his book "Seyasat-nameh" (Kings' Policies) which includes the sum of his experience in administration and policy. In addition to that he encouraged education by establishing libraries and schools, paying salaries for teachers and students, honoring the Sunni scholars especially the Shafiate followers, as he was one of them. That led the Ismaelia (A Shia group) to rebel against him accusing him of being fanatic, and the Sultan accused him of political tyranny which led to his assassination.

Recommended Citation

Abu Al-Rub, H. (2007). The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 21(3), 865–890.
[1]H. Abu Al-Rub, “The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 865–890, May 2007, doi: 10.35552/0247-021-003-008.
Abu Al-Rub, Hani. “The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 21, no. 3, May 2007, pp. 865–90. Crossref,
1.Abu Al-Rub H. The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2007 May;21(3):865–90. Available from:
Abu Al-Rub, Hani. “The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 21, no. 3 (May 2007): 865–90.

الوزير نظام الملك ودوره في الحياة العامة في الدولة السلجوقية

معلومات المقال

865 - 890

الكلمات الإفتتاحية


تناول البحث الوزير نظام الملك (418-485هـ) ودوره في الحياة العامة في الدولة السلجوقية، من حيث سيرته قبل توليه الوزارة والمناصب التي تدرج فيها، حتى نالها. ودوره في الحياة الإدارية والسياسية والعسكرية والعلمية منذ توليه الوزارة حتى اغتياله. نشأ نظام فقيراً لأب يعمل جابياً للضرائب، إلا أن ذكاءه وهمته العالية في طلب العلم، وقابلياته الشخصية، أهلته إلى التدرج في المناصب الإدارية إلى أن تولى الوزارة في زمن السلطان ألب أرسلان وابنه ملكشاه، فامتدت وزارته ثلاثين عاماً، حقق خلالها الكثير من الانجازات وفي مقدمتها إشاعة العدل ورد المظالم وإلغاء المكوس، واستحداث نظام الإقطاع العسكري بدلاً من نظام العطاء، وتوج انجازاته الإدارية والسياسية بتأليف كتابه سياسة الملوك (سياست نامة) الذي وضع خلاصة خبراته وآرائه في الإدارة والحكم. كما أنه شجع الحركة العلمية بإنشاء دور الكتب والمدارس، وفرض الرواتب للعاملين وللطلاب فيها، والمشاركة في مجالس العلم، وتكريم كبار علماء السنة في عهده ولاسيّما الشافعية الذين ينتمي إلى مذهبهم، مما أثار عليه حفيظة الشيعة وخاصة الإسماعيلية منهم فاتهموه بالتعصب المذهبي، واتهمه السلطان وحاشيته بالاستبداد بالسلطة، مما أدى إلى اغتياله.

Recommended Citation

Abu Al-Rub, H. (2007). The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 21(3), 865–890.
[1]H. Abu Al-Rub, “The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 865–890, May 2007, doi: 10.35552/0247-021-003-008.
Abu Al-Rub, Hani. “The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 21, no. 3, May 2007, pp. 865–90. Crossref,
1.Abu Al-Rub H. The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2007 May;21(3):865–90. Available from:
Abu Al-Rub, Hani. “The Minister Nizam Al-Mulk and His Role in the Saljuq State’s Public Life.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 21, no. 3 (May 2007): 865–90.

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