An-Najah University Journal for Research - A (Natural Sciences)

Submission and Author Instructions

1. Manuscript Submission Overview

Authors must submit their manuscripts through the online submission system available at Najah JAMS Submission System. Before submission, authors should ensure that their manuscript adheres to the journal’s policies and ethical guidelines. Each manuscript undergoes an initial editorial check before proceeding to peer review.

2. Submission Checklist

Before submitting a manuscript, please ensure the following:

· Read the Aims & Scope of the journal to assess the suitability of your manuscript.

· Use the Microsoft Word or LaTeX Template provided by the journal to format your manuscript correctly.

· Address all relevant publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, graphical abstract, figure formats, data, and reference formatting requirements.

· The reference format used in this journal is Vancouver. Authors are encouraged to provide the DOI for all references where available to ensure proper citation and accessibility of sources.

· Ensure that all authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript for submission and have read these Instructions for Authors.

3. Manuscript Preparation

· Language: Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English.

· Structure: A typical manuscript should include the following sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, and Supplementary Materials (if applicable).

· Figures and TablesAll figures and tables should be submitted as separate files, with clear captions and references within the text.

· Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract must be submitted to visually summarize the research.

· Acronyms/Abbreviations/InitialismsDefine them at first mention and use them consistently throughout the manuscript.

· SI Units: Authors must use the International System of Units (SI) where applicable, a.u if there are no units.

· File Submission: To comply with our double-blind peer review process, authors must upload two versions of the manuscript:

        1. .doc file containing the full author information, including names, affiliations, and corresponding author details.

        2. PDF file without any author data to ensure anonymity during review.

· ORCID iD: Include the ORCID iDs of all contributing authors on the title page of the manuscript, adjacent to their names. If an author does not have an ORCID iD, it is encouraged to register at ORCID Registration. 

4. Preparing Figures, Schemes, and Tables

· Figures, schemes, and tables must be of high quality and submitted in acceptable formats (JPEG, PNG, or PDF).

· Figures should be legible, with consistent text formatting and sizing.

· Figure sizes and dimensions should be uniform throughout the manuscript.

· Axis titles should show units in parentheses. If no units are available, use (a.u.) for arbitrary units.

5. Original Images Requirements

Authors should submit high-resolution original images with 300 dpi resolution and minimal compression to maintain quality. Images should not be manipulated or enhanced in ways that could mislead readers.

6. Supplementary Materials, Data Deposit, and Software Source Code

Authors are asked to submit supplementary materials, such as datasets, software codes, and additional figures, to support their research. These materials should be properly labeled and referenced within the manuscript.

7. Research and Publication Ethics

All submitted manuscripts must comply with ethical standards for research and publication. Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest and ensure that studies involving human or animal subjects follow appropriate ethical guidelines. The journal checks for plagiarism using iThenticate, and the plagiarism percentage must be below 15%. Plagiarism, data fabrication, and other forms of research misconduct are strictly prohibited.

Use of AI tools to generate texts is prohibited. The journal detects AI generated text.

8. Reviewer Suggestions

Authors must suggest three potential reviewers who are experts in the field. However, the editorial team reserves the right to make the final selection.

9. Extensive English Editing

Manuscripts should be thoroughly proofread for grammar, clarity, and scientific accuracy. Authors who need language support are encouraged to seek professional English editing services before submission. The journal also offers proofreading services for manuscripts. Authors may contact the journal to inquire about pricing and estimated completion times.

10. Preprints and Conference Papers

Authors may submit manuscripts that have been previously posted as preprints or presented at conferences, provided that substantial modifications have been made to align with the journal's standards with different titles and abstracts.

11. Authors' Roles

All authors must have significantly contributed to the research work. Contributions should be clearly specified in the manuscript. It is required to state that all authors have contributed significantly to the work. It is recommended to include one corresponding author, but the journal allows up to two corresponding authors in cases of multidisciplinary research where collaboration between distinct fields is necessary. Any changes in authorship after submission must be justified and approved by all co-authors, and the final decision will be made by the editorial office to accept or reject the change.

The journal reserves the right to reject a manuscript if the authors’ roles are not well justified.

12. Conflicts of Interest

Authors, editors, and reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the manuscript’s review or publication process. Please refer to Publications Ethics page for more details.

13. Editorial Procedures and Peer Review

All submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Reviewers assess the manuscript based on originality, scientific quality, clarity, and relevance to the journal’s scope.

14. Transfer Service

If a manuscript does not fit the scope of the journal, authors may be given the option to transfer their submission to another relevant journal. An-Najah University has several academic journals. Authors can visit the An-Najah Journals website for more information.

15. Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness

The journal is committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of the publication process. Authors from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to submit their work.

16. Post-Acceptance and Publication

Upon acceptance, authors will receive proofs for final approval before publication. The journal ensures rapid online publication, enabling timely dissemination of research findings.

17. No Publication Charges (NO APC)

The journals provide fully open-access publishing at no cost to authors, making all published manuscripts permanently free and accessible to the global community.

18. Contact Information

For any inquiries related to manuscript preparation, submission, or editorial policies, please contact the editorial office via email at: [email protected]


Since 2019

Cite Score (Scopus): 0.5
Time to First Decision: 3 Days
Submission to Acceptance: 64 Days
Acceptance to Publication: 10 Days
Acceptance Rate: 28%
Why should you
Publish With Us?
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
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[email protected]
Prof. Waleed Sweileh

An-Najah University Journal for Research - A (Natural Sciences) by An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestine is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0