An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study

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2377 - 2406



This Hadith is one of the problematic ones especially for the uneducated. Therefore, this analytic and critical study is response to the questions about it. Through introducing and discussing the scholars’ says and studies about his Hadith whether those who judged it accurate or not. This study is classified under problems faced in understanding prophetic Tradition (Al-Hadith). It searches Hadith which are ambiguous to some people. It answers the ambiguity about it. It seems that one of the most important benefits of this study is to raise an important issue which it shows ambiguity about any Hadith is rational and differs from one scientist to another. This is because of the differences in their abilities and attitudes. “And above every one possessed of knowledge in the All-knowing one.”

Recommended Citation

Olwan, K. (2011). Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 25(9), 2377–2406.
[1]K. Olwan, “Hadith ‘Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell’ Analytic Critical Study,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2377–2406, Oct. 2011, doi: 10.35552/0247-025-009-005.
Olwan, Khaled. “Hadith ‘Burier and Buried Female Are in the Hell’ Analytic Critical Study.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 25, no. 9, Oct. 2011, pp. 2377–406. Crossref,
1.Olwan K. Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2011 Oct;25(9):2377–406. Available from:
Olwan, Khaled. “Hadith ‘Burier and Buried Female Are in the Hell’ Analytic Critical Study.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 25, no. 9 (October 2011): 2377–2406.

حديث "الوائدة والموءودة في النار" دراسة تحليلية نقدية

معلومات المقال

2377 - 2406

الكلمات الإفتتاحية


هذا الحديث "الوائدة والموءودة في النار" من الأحاديث المشكلة، وبخاصة على عوام الناس، فكانت هذه الدراسة التحليلية النقدية لإجابة على الإشكالات الواردة عليه، من خلال دراسته سنداً ومتناً، ومن خلال عرض ومناقشة أقوال العلماء ودراستهم المتعلقة بهذا الحديث، سواء منهم من صحح الحديث أو من لم يصححه. وهذه الدراسة تُصَنَّفُ ضمن علم "مشكل الحديث" الذي يبحث في الأحاديث التي أشكلت على بعض الناس، فيجب عن الإشكالات الواردة عليها. ولعل من أهم فوائد هذه الدراسة: هو إظهار قضية مهمة، وهي أن الإشكال حول حديث ما هي قضية نسبية تختلف من عالم لآخر، وذلك لتفاوت العقول والمدارك، وفوق كل ذي علم عليم.

Recommended Citation

Olwan, K. (2011). Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 25(9), 2377–2406.
[1]K. Olwan, “Hadith ‘Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell’ Analytic Critical Study,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2377–2406, Oct. 2011, doi: 10.35552/0247-025-009-005.
Olwan, Khaled. “Hadith ‘Burier and Buried Female Are in the Hell’ Analytic Critical Study.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 25, no. 9, Oct. 2011, pp. 2377–406. Crossref,
1.Olwan K. Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2011 Oct;25(9):2377–406. Available from:
Olwan, Khaled. “Hadith ‘Burier and Buried Female Are in the Hell’ Analytic Critical Study.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 25, no. 9 (October 2011): 2377–2406.

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