An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source

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459 - 480



The study intended to explore the 1916-1917 trade movement at the Jeddah seaport during World War 1, The study essentially aimed to assess the impact of the war on the economic life in the district of Hejaz, especially Jeddah seaport. To this end, the study approached this topic on two levels, analytical and theoretical. To give a clearer picture of the situation, the study used numerical values to better assess the volume of trade in Al Hejaz. These figures are made into tables for the sake of clarification. The study found that the 1916-1917 periods had witnessed a slow decline in the trade activity in Hejaz compared with the pre-war era. This piece of information came primarily from Al-Kiblah Newspaper that once monitored the trade movement (imports and exports) in figures. Head of the Hejaz –based Chamber of Commerce used to provide the newspaper with quantitative data about the volume of trade activities in the city.

Recommended Citation

Alkhateeb, J. (2015). The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 29(3), 459–480.
[1]J. Alkhateeb, “The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 459–480, Mar. 2015, doi: 10.35552/0247-029-003-003.
Alkhateeb, Jaber. “The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 29, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 459–80. Crossref,
1.Alkhateeb J. The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2015 Mar;29(3):459–80. Available from:
Alkhateeb, Jaber. “The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 29, no. 3 (March 2015): 459–80.

التجارة في ميناء جدة من خلال جريدة القبلة (1916-1917م)

معلومات المقال

459 - 480

الكلمات الإفتتاحية


تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف إلى واقع الحركة التجارية في ميناء جدة خلال فترة مهمة من تاريخ الحجاز (1916-1917م) خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى، ومعرفة ما إذا كان للحرب أثر على الحياة الاقتصادية في الحجاز وبخاصة ميناء جدة، وتم مناقشة الموضوع في إطارين نظري وتحليلي، كما تم التعامل مع الجداول والأرقام الواردة من خلال تحليلها، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن هذه الفترة قد شهدت تراجعاً في النشاط التجاري إذا ما قورن مع ما كان عليه الوضع قبل الحرب العالمية الأولى، ومع ذلك، عاد النشاط التجاري للميناء بشكل تدريجي، وتم الاعتماد على جريدة القبلة كمصدر أولي للدراسة، التي رصدت حركة التجارة والبضائع بالأرقام، استناداً إلى رئيس غرفة تجارة جدة في ذلك الوقت.

Recommended Citation

Alkhateeb, J. (2015). The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 29(3), 459–480.
[1]J. Alkhateeb, “The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 459–480, Mar. 2015, doi: 10.35552/0247-029-003-003.
Alkhateeb, Jaber. “The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 29, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 459–80. Crossref,
1.Alkhateeb J. The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2015 Mar;29(3):459–80. Available from:
Alkhateeb, Jaber. “The Reality of Trade in the Port of Jeddah 1916-1917 Al Qbilah Newspaper as a Major Source.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 29, no. 3 (March 2015): 459–80.

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