The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures
Article info
1449 - 1482
- Amr Bin Quayah’s
- Struchuralism
- Pre Islamic Period
- Syntatic Interconnection
- Liguistics sounds
- Poetic Ryhems
- Arabic Poetic Text
This paper seeks to investigate the different bases on which the cultural structure of the Arabic poetry is built from the discourse point of view. To lachieve the study main purpose, the researcher examines Amr Bin Quayah’s the poem as a workable example to cite and analyze. In the first subject, the study dealt with two basic topics: the technical structure in terms of the basic structure, (the internal architecture of the poem), In the second the subject discussed subject the linguistic structure in terms of the minor unity of the word, namely sound. IS the researcher shall light on the study of sound construction and its influence on the formation of semantic inspiration, and its role in the rhythmic or musical composition of the poem. Furthermore, the study provides an extensive discussion on the semantic unit, and the sentence, its components, its overlap with its components, which is known as the syntactic level, all of that ed to the general semantic level of the text.
kana’an, A. (2019). The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 33(9), 1449–1482.
[1]A. kana’an, “The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1449–1482, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.35552/0247-033-009-002.
kana’an, Aatif. “The /ħ/-Rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 33, no. 9, Sept. 2019, pp. 1449–82. Crossref,
1.kana’an A. The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2019 Sep;33(9):1449–82. Available from:
an, Aatif kana’. “The /ħ/-Rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 33, no. 9 (September 2019): 1449–82.
قصيدة الشاعر عمرو بن قميئة الحائيّة: (أرى جارتي خفّتْ وخَفَّ نصيحُها ...) قراءة في البنيتَين الفنيّة واللغوية
معلومات المقال
1449 - 1482
الكلمات الإفتتاحية
- Amr Bin Quayah’s
- Struchuralism
- Pre Islamic Period
- Syntatic Interconnection
- Liguistics sounds
- Poetic Ryhems
- Arabic Poetic Text
يسعى هذا البحث إلى قراءة تأسيس البنيتين الفنيّة واللغوية في النَّصّ الشِّعريّ العربيّ، واتَّخذ حائيَّة عمرو بن قميئة مادَّة لموضوع البحث. تناولت الدراسة عُنوانيْن أساسيّين في المبحث الأول هما: بنية الأساس، والمعمار الدّاخليّ للنصّ، ثم تناولت في المبحث الثاني الأصوات اللغوية وموسيقى الوزن والقافية، فدرَست البناء الصوتي وتوقفت عند أثره في تشكيل الإيحاء الدّلالي، ودوره في التشكيل الإيقاعي أو الموسيقي للنص، ثم الوحدة الدلالية الصّغرى وهي الجملة، والنظر في الجملة وأركانها وتراكيبها مع مُتعلّقاتها وهو ما يُعرف بالمستوى التركيبي، ثم ربط ذلك بالمستوى الدّلالي العام للنص.
kana’an, A. (2019). The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 33(9), 1449–1482.
[1]A. kana’an, “The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1449–1482, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.35552/0247-033-009-002.
kana’an, Aatif. “The /ħ/-Rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 33, no. 9, Sept. 2019, pp. 1449–82. Crossref,
1.kana’an A. The /ħ/-rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2019 Sep;33(9):1449–82. Available from:
an, Aatif kana’. “The /ħ/-Rhymed Amr Bin Qumayah’s Poem Reading in Technical and Linguistic Structures.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 33, no. 9 (September 2019): 1449–82.
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