An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D)

Article info

2081 - 2106


  • Al-Andalus
  • Umayyad Emirate
  • Kingdom of Granada
  • Almunakkab
  • Spaniards


This study examines the role of Almunakkab in the political life of Al-Andalus between the years 755 and 1489. It was considered one of the major administrative and military centers of the Zirid Kingdom in addition to being the closest port to Granada and its only route to the sea. Almoravides were keen on keeping a hold of it and the significance of its role became clear as both Marinids and the Kingdom of Granada tried to maintain control over the vital Southern areas. Its port played a role against the Spanish forces. It had a presence in the internal conflict among the kings of the Granada - Kingdom; its castle and port served as a safe passage for those seeking an escape as well as for deportation, incarceration, getting rid of rivals and the keeping of them away from Andalusia. It continued to play a political role until the Spanish conquest in December 1489.

Recommended Citation

Al-Qobbaj, A., Abu Alsaud, L., & Al-Khateeb, M. (2021). The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 35(12), 2081–2106.
[1]A. Al-Qobbaj, L. Abu Alsaud, and M. Al-Khateeb, “The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D),” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2081–2106, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.35552/0247-035-012-006.
Al-Qobbaj, Amer, et al. “The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 35, no. 12, Dec. 2021, pp. 2081–106. Crossref,
1.Al-Qobbaj A, Abu Alsaud L, Al-Khateeb M. The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2021 Dec;35(12):2081–106. Available from:
Al-Qobbaj, Amer, Loay Abu Alsaud, and Mohammed Al-Khateeb. “The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 35, no. 12 (December 2021): 2081–2106.

دور مدينة المُنكَّب في الحياة السِّياسيَّة الأندلسيَّة منذ عصر الإمارة الأمويَّة حتّى السَّيطرة الإسبانيَّة (138-895هـ/755-1489م)

معلومات المقال

2081 - 2106

الكلمات الإفتتاحية

  • Al-Andalus
  • Umayyad Emirate
  • Kingdom of Granada
  • Almunakkab
  • Spaniards


تتناول هذه الدِّراسة دور مدينة المُنكَّب في الحياة السِّياسيَّة الأندلسيَّة منذ بداية عصر الإمارة الأمويَّة 138هـ/755م حتَّى سقوط المدينة عام 895هـ/1489م. فخلال ذلك عُدَّـت ومرساها من البوّابات الجنوبيِّة الرَّئيسة، ومن أهمِّ المراكز الإداريَّة والعسكريَّة الأندلسيَّة والزِّيريَّة، وأكثرها تحصيناُ، والمرسى الأقرب إلى العاصمة غرناطة، ومنفذها إلى البحر، ولهذا حرص المرابطون على السَّيطرة عليها. وظهر دورُها السِّياسيّ خلال تنافُس دولة بني مرين ومملكة غرناطة في الاستحواذ على المناطق الجنوبيَّة، ولعب مرساها دوراً في الجهاد ضدَّ الإسبان، كمحطَّةٍ لاستقبال السُّفن، دفاعاً عن المدن الأندلسيَّة. كما كان لها حضورٌ لافتٌ في ميدان الصِّراع الدَّاخلي بين ملوك مملكة غرناطة وأمرائها، فاستُخدمت وقلعتها ومرساها مكاناً للهرب طلباً للنَّجاة، وللنَّفي، والحبس، والتَّخلُّص من المنافسين، والإبعاد. وظلَّت المُنكَّب تمارس دورها في مختلف نواحي الحياة السِّياسيَّة حتَّى سقوطها بيد الإسبان في محرَّم 895هـ/ نهاية كانون الأوَّل 1489م.

Recommended Citation

Al-Qobbaj, A., Abu Alsaud, L., & Al-Khateeb, M. (2021). The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 35(12), 2081–2106.
[1]A. Al-Qobbaj, L. Abu Alsaud, and M. Al-Khateeb, “The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D),” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2081–2106, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.35552/0247-035-012-006.
Al-Qobbaj, Amer, et al. “The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 35, no. 12, Dec. 2021, pp. 2081–106. Crossref,
1.Al-Qobbaj A, Abu Alsaud L, Al-Khateeb M. The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2021 Dec;35(12):2081–106. Available from:
Al-Qobbaj, Amer, Loay Abu Alsaud, and Mohammed Al-Khateeb. “The Role of Almunkkab City in Andalusian Political Life from the Umayyad Emirate Era to the Spanish Conquest (138-895 H.\755-1489 A.D).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 35, no. 12 (December 2021): 2081–2106.

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