An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model)

Article info

1761 - 1786


  • Israel
  • Katzrin
  • settlement cities
  • the occupied Arab lands
  • the Golan
  • Syria


The Zionist movement was not satisfied with the lands that it seized in 1948 AD, and the establishment of the so-called state of Israel; It launched a new aggressive war against its Arab surroundings in 1967 AD, and was able to occupy new territories, claiming that it was liberated land, and then sought to fill it with Jewish immigrants, and established settlement cities for them; To encourage them to live in it, the most important of which are four in the West Bank, and one in Sinai, which was removed in 1982 AD, as well as Katzrin on the Golan Heights since 1973 AD. The latter was considered one of the most important settlement cities in the occupied Arab lands, due to its geographical location and the great interest it received, and it developed and expanded, and it managed to attract a large number of settlers, who reached until the year 2019 AD about eight thousand and five hundred, most of them are secular Jews who emigrated from some advanced European countries.

Recommended Citation

Nazzal, I. (2022). The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 36(9), 1761–1786.
[1]I. Nazzal, “The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model),” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1761–1786, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.35552/0247-036-009-001.
Nazzal, Issa. “The Role of Zionist Settlement Towns in Attracting Settlers to Live in the Occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin Settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a Model).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, Sept. 2022, pp. 1761–86. Crossref,
1.Nazzal I. The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2022 Sep;36(9):1761–86. Available from:
Nazzal, Issa. “The Role of Zionist Settlement Towns in Attracting Settlers to Live in the Occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin Settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a Model).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 36, no. 9 (September 2022): 1761–86.

دور المدن الاستيطانيَّة الصهيونيَّة في اجتذاب المستوطنين اليهود للعيش في الأراضي العربية المحتلة (مستوطنة كتسرين 1973م -2019م) أنموذجاً)

معلومات المقال

1761 - 1786

الكلمات الإفتتاحية

  • Israel
  • Katzrin
  • settlement cities
  • the occupied Arab lands
  • the Golan
  • Syria


لم تكتفِ الحركة الصِّهيونيَّة بالأراضي التي سيطرت عليها عام 1948م، وإقامةِ ما يُسمّى بدولة إسرائيل؛ فشنَّت حرباً عدوانيَّةً جديدةً ضدَّ محيطها العربيِّ عام 1967م، وتمكَّنت من احتلال مناطق جديدة، وزعمت أنَّها أراضٍ محرَّرة، ثمَّ سعت إلى ملئها بالوافدين اليهود، فأنشأت لهم المدن الاستيطانيَّة؛ لتشجيعهم على السَّكن فيها، أهمّها أربعة في الضفَّة الغربيَّة، وواحدة في سيناء، أزيلت عام 1982م، فضلاً عن كتسرين في هضبة الجولان منذ عام 1973م. وعُدَّت الأخيرة من أهمِّ المدن الاستيطانيَّة في الأراضي العربيَّة المحتلَّة، نظراً لموقعها الجغرافيِّ والاهتمام البالغ الذي حظيت به، فتطوَّرت وتوسَّعت، وتمكَّنت من استقطاب عددٍ كبيرٍ من المستوطنين، الذين بلغوا حتى عام 2019م نحو ثمانية آلافٍ وخمسمائة، معظمهم من اليهود العلمانيّين الذين هاجروا من بعض الدُّول الأوروبيَّة المتقدِّمة.

Recommended Citation

Nazzal, I. (2022). The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 36(9), 1761–1786.
[1]I. Nazzal, “The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model),” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1761–1786, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.35552/0247-036-009-001.
Nazzal, Issa. “The Role of Zionist Settlement Towns in Attracting Settlers to Live in the Occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin Settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a Model).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 36, no. 9, Sept. 2022, pp. 1761–86. Crossref,
1.Nazzal I. The role of Zionist settlement towns in attracting settlers to live in the occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a model). An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2022 Sep;36(9):1761–86. Available from:
Nazzal, Issa. “The Role of Zionist Settlement Towns in Attracting Settlers to Live in the Occupied Arab Lands (Katzrin Settlement, 1973 AD-2019 AD as a Model).” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 36, no. 9 (September 2022): 1761–86.

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