An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation

Article info

2001 - 2020


  • Humanism
  • Democratic Criticism
  • French Theory
  • Worldliness.


This study examines the aspects of the conceptual relationship between Edward Said and French theory. The study argues that this relationship is divergent to the difference between the premises upon which Said's thought is based, and the premises upon which the French theory is based. Thus, the study corrects the interpretation of Edward Said in the Arab context, which has been linked with French theory and the ideas of Michel Foucault in particular. From here, the study seeks to clarify Said's position on French theory and structuralism. Then it aims to describe the terms in which Said operates as terms that define the concept of humanism. Finally, the study presents democratic criticism as a humanistic resistance project, linking the aesthetic of literature with the problems of culture, politics and resistance. The study reveals that Edward Said's reliance sometimes on the French theory does not mean that he adopted it at all, as he recorded his successive criticism of it out of his humanism.

Recommended Citation

Khouli, A. (2023). Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 37(11), 2001–2020.
[1]A. Khouli, “Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 2001–2020, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.35552/0247.37.11.2115.
Khouli, Ahmed. “Conceptual Divergence between Edward Said and French Theory: An Investigation into the Problems of Reception and Interpretation.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 11, Nov. 2023, pp. 2001–20. Crossref,
1.Khouli A. Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2023 Nov;37(11):2001–20. Available from:
Khouli, Ahmed. “Conceptual Divergence between Edward Said and French Theory: An Investigation into the Problems of Reception and Interpretation.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 37, no. 11 (November 2023): 2001–20.

التنافر التصوُّريُّ بين إدوارد سعيد والنظريَّة الفرنسيَّة: بحث في إشكالات التلقّي والتأويل

معلومات المقال

2001 - 2020

الكلمات الإفتتاحية

  • Humanism
  • Democratic Criticism
  • French Theory
  • Worldliness.


تستصرح الدراسة مظاهر العلاقة التصوُّريَّة بين إدوارد سعيد والنظريَّة الفرنسيَّة. وهي إذ تُحاجُّ بأنَّ تلكم العلاقة تنافريَّة؛ فإنّما ذلك راجع بالأساس إلى التنافر بين المقدِّمات التي ينبني عليها فكر سعيد (المقدِّمة الأنسنيّة الدنيويَّة)، والمقدِّمات التي تنبني عليها النظريَّة الفرنسيَّة (المقدِّمة البنيويّة وما بعد البنيويَّة). وبذلكم كلِّه؛ تقوِّمُ الدراسة تأويل إدوارد سعيد في السياق العربيّ، الذي جرى حشدُه مع النظريَّة الفرنسيّة، وخاصّة أفكار ميشيل فوكو. تأسيسًا على ما تقدّم؛ تسعى الدّراسة إلى استكناه موقف سعيد من البنيويّة والنظريّة الفرنسيّة أوّلا، ثُمّ تتغيّا، ثانيا، وصف الجهاز المصطلحيّ الذي يشتغل به سعيد بوصفه عالمًا متكامل الملامح يُوجِّه تلقّيه وتأويلَه مفهومُ الأنسنيّة. لِتطرح، أخيرًا، النّقد الديمقراطيّ بوصفه مشروعًا إصلاحيّا أنسنيًّا مُقاوِمًا، يربطُ جماليّة الأدب بإشكالات الثّقافة والسياسة، والهويّة والمواطنة. وتكشف الدراسة أنّ اعتماد سعيد أحيانا على النظريّة الفرنسيّة، لا يعني أنّه تبنّاها جملة وتفصيلًا، أو استسلم لها كليّة؛ ذلك أنّه سجَّل نقدَه المتتابع لها، بدافع من نزعته الأنسنيّة.

Recommended Citation

Khouli, A. (2023). Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 37(11), 2001–2020.
[1]A. Khouli, “Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 2001–2020, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.35552/0247.37.11.2115.
Khouli, Ahmed. “Conceptual Divergence between Edward Said and French Theory: An Investigation into the Problems of Reception and Interpretation.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 11, Nov. 2023, pp. 2001–20. Crossref,
1.Khouli A. Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2023 Nov;37(11):2001–20. Available from:
Khouli, Ahmed. “Conceptual Divergence between Edward Said and French Theory: An Investigation into the Problems of Reception and Interpretation.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 37, no. 11 (November 2023): 2001–20.

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