An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model

Article info

1273 - 1314


  • Cultural System
  • Black People
  • The Speech
  • Al-Jahiz


The study presented details with regard to Al-Jahiz from the cultural point of view, as it a study in the historical and religious references for the emergence of the white/black hostility among the Arabs, and then dealt with Al-Jahiz's letter by analyzing in terms of motives, the title's semantics, the introduction, and then the body of the message. The study revealed a number of tricks that Al-Jahiz practiced in his message; He is dispraise wherever he wants to praise; For example, he is proud of the strength of the black people, and in another place of his writings he mentions that they are the owners of mindless brutality, and in this manner, the study continued to present Al-Jahiz in terms of an apparent system whose goal is to serve the black people, and implied contempt for them, and mockery of them. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the need for Al-Jahiz’s discourse to be systematically read, and that the Abbasid establishment’s silence before Al-Jahiz is not ignorance of his actions, nor complicity, but rather its consistency with the enjoyment that he offers to the community in its name, and that the Al-Jahizah contravenes this phenomenon. But there are many questions under it, as the implied pattern makes fun of black people.

Recommended Citation

Qadri, M. (2023). The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 37(7), 1273–1314.
[1]M. Qadri, “The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1273–1314, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.35552/0247.37.7.2057.
Qadri, Mohammad. “The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 7, July 2023, pp. 1273–314. Crossref,
1.Qadri M. The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2023 Jul;37(7):1273–314. Available from:
Qadri, Mohammad. “The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 37, no. 7 (July 2023): 1273–1314.

مخالفة الأنساق الثّقافيّة العربيّة في رسالة (فخر السّودان على البيضان) للجاحظ أنموذجاً

معلومات المقال

1273 - 1314

الكلمات الإفتتاحية

  • Cultural System
  • Black People
  • The Speech
  • Al-Jahiz


عرضت الدّراسة تفصيلاتٍ فيما يتعلّق بالجاحظ من وجهة نظر النّقد الثّقافيّ، كما أنّها بحثت في المرجعيّات التّاريخيّة والدّينيّة لظهور العداء الأبيض/الأسود عند العرب، ثمّ تناولت رسالة الجاحظ بالتّحليل من حيث الدّوافع، وعتبة العنوان، والمقدّمة، ثمّ متن الرّسالة. وكشفت الدّراسة عددًا من الحيل الّتي يمارسها الجاحظ في تضاعيف رسالته؛ فهو يذمّ من حيثُ يريد أن يمدح؛ فيفخر مثلًا بقوّة السّودان، وفي موضعٍ آخر من مؤلّفاتِه يذكر أنّهم أصحاب بطشٍ بلا عقلٍ، وعلى هذا المنوال، استمرّ عرض الجاحظ في هذه الرّسالة من حيثُ هو نسقٌ ظاهرٌ هدفُه خدمة السّودان، وينطوي في المضمر احتقارٌ لهم، وسخريةٌ منهم. وتوصّلت الدّراسة إلى عددٍ من النّتائج أهمّها حاجةُ الخطاب الجاحظيّ إلى قراءةٍ نسقيّة، وأنّ سكوت المؤسّسة العبّاسيّة أمام الجاحظ ليس جهلًا منها بأفعاله، ولا تواطْؤًا، إنّما انسجامُها مع الإمتاع الّذي يقدّمه للمجتمع باسمها، وأنّ الجاحظ قدّم مخالفةً للمتخيّل الثّقافيّ العربيّ في هذه الرّسالة بنسقٍ ظاهرٍ، ولكنْ تنطوي تحتها مساءلاتٌ كثيرةٌ، حيث النّسق المضمر يسخر من السّودان.

Recommended Citation

Qadri, M. (2023). The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 37(7), 1273–1314.
[1]M. Qadri, “The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1273–1314, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.35552/0247.37.7.2057.
Qadri, Mohammad. “The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 37, no. 7, July 2023, pp. 1273–314. Crossref,
1.Qadri M. The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2023 Jul;37(7):1273–314. Available from:
Qadri, Mohammad. “The Dissent Of the Arab Cultural Systems In The Study (Fakhr Alsswdan Ealaa Albaydan) by Al-Jahiz as a Model.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 37, no. 7 (July 2023): 1273–1314.

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