The Manifestation of Persuasion in Interrogative Sentences in Tamim Al-Barghouti’s Speech “Its entire liberation has begun”: A Pragmatic Study
First available online: 2024-09-28
The Effect of Training Using Medicine Balls on the Muscular Strength of Children Aged (9-12) Years Practicing Karate in the Gaza Strip
First available online: 2024-09-14
The Impact of Incidental Doubt on the Continuation of the Descriptive Attribute that Establishes the Ruling According to the Maliki School – An Applied Foundational Study
First available online: 2024-09-14
Knowledge Economy and its Impact on Economic Growth and Per-Capita Income: Evidence from Arab Countries
First available online: 2024-09-29
First available online: 2024-09-23
Unraveling the Impact of Cognitive Test Anxiety on Academic Performance among Adolescents: the case of minority and majority communities.
First available online: 2024-09-14
The Role of Islam in the Prevention of Suicide: An Analytical Study of the Reasons Behind Suicide Prevention in Islam
First available online: 2024-09-14
Call for Papers:
Special Issue on
Innovative Assessment in the Age of AI: Strategies for Quality
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- Prof. Waleed Sweileh