An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology

Article info

1337 - 1364


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable Development
  • Jordanian University of Science and Technology.
  • Culture of Entrepreneurship


The study population consisted of (570) male and female students from of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology. The study sample was chosen by simple random method, and it consisted of (230) male and female students The analytical descriptive approach was applied, also a tool has prepared to measure of the reality of spreading the culture of entrepreneurship that stimulates development. The study's results indicated the following: - The reality of spreading the culture of entrepreneurship that stimulates development, of students of the Jordanian University of Science students was rated high. - There were no statistically significant differences at (α=≤0.05) attributed to effect of sex on the culture of entrepreneurship that stimulates development, of students of the Jordanian University of Science students’ overall degree. - There were statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) attributed to effect of achievement on the culture of entrepreneurship that stimulates development, of students of the Jordanian University of Science students’ overall degree, and differences were in favor of high achievers. - There were statistically significant differences at (α=0.05) between College of Engineering students, from a hand, and between College of Science and Arts and information technology students from another, where differences were in favor of College of Engineering students.

Recommended Citation

Hammouri, K., & Al Bataineh, E. (2024). The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 38(7).
[1]K. Hammouri and E. Al Bataineh, “The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 38, no. 7, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35552/0247.38.7.2236.
Hammouri, Khaled, and Erwah Al Bataineh. “The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 38, no. 7, July 2024. Crossref,
1.Hammouri K, Al Bataineh E. The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2024 Jul;38(7). Available from:
Hammouri, Khaled, and Erwah Al Bataineh. “The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 38, no. 7 (July 2024).

واقع نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال المحفزة للتنمية المستدامة من وجهة نظر طلبة جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية

معلومات المقال

1337 - 1364

الكلمات الإفتتاحية

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable Development
  • Jordanian University of Science and Technology.
  • Culture of Entrepreneurship


تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى واقع نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال المحفزة للتنمية المستدامة من وجهة نظر طلبة جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجية الاردنية، تكون مجتمع الدراسة من طلبة جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية المسجلين في مساق ريادة الأعمال والابتكار والبالغ عددهم (570) طالبا وطالبة، فيما تكونت العينة من (230) طالبا وطالبة تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية، تم اعداد أداة لقياس واقع نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال المحفزة للتنمية المستدامة من قبل الباحثَين، وقد أشارت نتائج هذه الدراسة إلى ما يلي: - أن واقع نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال المحفزة للتنمية المستدامة من وجهة نظر طلبة جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجية الأردنية كانت بدرجة مرتفعة، في جميع المجالات والدرجة الكلية. - وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى (α ≥ 0.05) تعزى لأثر التحصيل الدراسي وجاءت الفروق لصالح الطلبة المتفوقين تحصيليا. - عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى (α ≥ 0.05) تعزى لأثر الجنس. - وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى (α ≥ 0.05) تعزى للكلية بين كلية الهندسة من جهة وكل من كلية العلوم والآداب وكلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات من جهة أخرى وجاءت الفروق لصالح كلية الهندسة.

Recommended Citation

Hammouri, K., & Al Bataineh, E. (2024). The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 38(7).
[1]K. Hammouri and E. Al Bataineh, “The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology,” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 38, no. 7, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35552/0247.38.7.2236.
Hammouri, Khaled, and Erwah Al Bataineh. “The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), vol. 38, no. 7, July 2024. Crossref,
1.Hammouri K, Al Bataineh E. The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology. An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) [Internet]. 2024 Jul;38(7). Available from:
Hammouri, Khaled, and Erwah Al Bataineh. “The Reality of Spreading the Culture of Entrepreneurship That Stimulates Development, The Viewpoint of Students of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology.” An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) 38, no. 7 (July 2024).

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