An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

Authors Guidelines

Criteria for publication

To be published with ANUJR-B, the work should generally meet four criteria:

  • Provide solid evidence to support your claims.
  • Be important to scholars in the specific field.
  • Ideally, be interesting to scholars in other related disciplines.
  • exemplify an advancement in understanding or provide support for an emerging understanding that is likely to affect the thought in the field.

Manuscript preparation

Before you begin, please be sure you have the following items:

  • Article Title
  • An abstract
  • Keywords for your article
  • All submitted manuscripts must have a title, abstract, and keywords, in both English and Arabic languages.
  • Any acknowledgments should be submitted separately and not in the body of the article.
  • Anonymous manuscript: The manuscript should contain all research items except identifying information. It should be in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, or RTF. It is especially important that you do not include any identifying information about the authors, as the article you submit will be sent to reviewers.
  • Cover letter to editor: Clearly state the purpose of the paper and its expected contribution in your cover letter.

No part of the submission is final until all steps have been completed and you click the final Submit button. The review process begins as soon as An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) receives a readable article, along with the abstract and article title.

Formatting Requirements

An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) has no format requirements of articles upon initial submission. There are, however, rules governing the formatting of the final submission. The following guidelines for the Manuscript Preparation should be taken into account:

  • Manuscripts for initial submission should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract; keywords; main text; references; appendices (as appropriate). Tables and figures can be impeded the body of the main text or can be added with caption(s) on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. In both cases, the figures should be in high resolution.
  • The maximum number of words in the manuscript is 8000 including abstract, references, tables, figures, and appendices. Each table or figure is counted as 250 words. Manuscripts must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document or RTF.
  • Abstracts: Structured abstract of no more than 350 words is required for all manuscripts. The abstract should be structured as follows: objective, method, result, and conclusion.
  • Each manuscript should have, at least, 4 keywords.
  • Section headings should be concise.
  • The text of the manuscript MUST not include any direct or indirect information regarding the author or his/her affiliation. Author information is included separately in Title page.
  • Title page should contain:
    • Title
    • The name(s) of the author(s) in a pre-agreed order.
    • The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e. institution, (department), city, (state), country
    • An active e-mail address of the corresponding author.
    • Abstract
  • All eligible authors of a manuscript must be identified on separate first page of the manuscript, including their full names, affiliations, and email addresses.
  • All persons who have a reasonable claim to authorship must be named in the manuscript as co-authors.
  • The corresponding author must be authorized by all co-authors and the order of names should be agreed by all authors.
  • Details of funding bodies must be clearly stated under "funding section" or “Acknowledgment” but not included in the body of the manuscript.
  • A Disclosure Statement regarding any type of conflict of interest MUST be clearly stated in the cover letter to editors.
  • For all manuscripts non-discriminatory language is mandatory.
  • Manuscripts must be typed in Times font, size 12, using the same style (normal) and font size throughout the whole document; margins will be at 2,54 cm. (1 inch). The preferred word processing is Microsoft Word® or other compatible formats.
  • In-text citation and references in the reference list must follow the APA referencing style. §All references should be in the Roman Alphabet: In accordance with the requirements of international research abstract and analytics databases (Web of Science, Scopus, etc.), Arabic-language journals must publish their References in the Roman alphabet. Proper formatting of references to the sources used by the paper makes it possible to provide an accurate assessment of publication activity of both the authors and the institutions they represent.

Corresponding author

Groups of authors must decide on a corresponding author who acts on behalf of all the authors during the submission, review and publication processes. The corresponding author must submit the manuscript, related files and all required information to ANUJR-B. From submission to publication, all communication related to the manuscript will be directed to, and received from, the corresponding author only. Before submission, the corresponding author must ensure that all authors are:

  • included in the author list;
  • appear in an agreed order; and
  • are aware of the manuscript’s submission, having approved the final version.

After acceptance, a proof is sent to the corresponding author, who circulates it to all co-authors and deals with ANUJR-B on their behalf. The corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of all content in the proof, in particular that names of co-authors are present and spelled correctly, and that addresses and affiliations are current.

ANUJR-B also regards the corresponding author as the point of contact for queries about the published work. It is this author’s responsibility to inform all co-authors of matters arising from the published work and to ensure that such matters are dealt with promptly.

ANUJR-B and its editors treat the submitted manuscripts and all communication with authors and reviewers as confidential. Authors must also treat communication with ANUJR-B as confidential: correspondence with the publisher, reviewers’ reports and other confidential material must not be posted on any website or otherwise publicized without permission from ANUJR-B or editors, whether the submission is eventually published or not.

To submit a manuscript:

  • You must be the author, or the authorized agent of the author(s) and copyright holder (if different from the author(s));
  • the author(s) must have approved the work for publication;
  • the author(s) must have agreed to submit the article to the Journal;
  • the author(s) must accept full responsibility for the content of the Article;
  • the Article must be the Author(s) original work and must not contain any libelous or unlawful statements or infringe on the rights or privacy of others or contain material or instructions that might cause harm or injury
  • the Article must not have been previously published, is not pending review elsewhere, and will not be submitted for review elsewhere pending the completion of the editorial decision process at the Journal.

By submitting the Article, you represent and warrant that the above are true.


Authors should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work. The research literature serves as a record of both what was discovered and who discovered it. The authorship of a research publication should therefore accurately reflect individuals’ contributions to the work and its reporting. All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship and be listed.

It is generally accepted that individuals are entitled to authorship of a manuscript when they meet all these criteria:

  • Made a substantial contribution to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Drafted the manuscript or critically revised it for important intellectual content;
  • Approved the final version to be published.

Only acquiring funding, collecting data, or generally supervising the research group do not justify authorship.

If a multi-authored publication draws substantially from a student’s dissertation or thesis, then that student should preferably be listed as the principal author. Likewise, the supervisor of such a student should be involved as co-author. If they explicitly decline any of the implied co-author responsibilities, their role must be outlined in ‘acknowledgements’ and they must be informed to avoid any misunderstandings.

Contributions that do not meet authorship criteria should be mentioned in the ‘Acknowledgements’ section of the manuscript. This includes the involvement of a professional writer.

Requests for changes in the list of authors or their affiliations on a manuscript after initial submission, or after publication, should be adequately justified and all authors initially listed on the paper need to agree on any such changes in writing.

Competing interests

Any relevant competing interests of authors must be available to editors during the review process and must be declared by authors in the published work. Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the author’s institution) has financial or personal relationships with other persons or organizations that inappropriately influence (bias) their opinions or actions.

Authors must declare:

  • all sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, supply of equipment or materials, or other forms of conflict of interest, which may have prevented them from executing and publishing unbiased research;
  • the role of the research funder(s) or sponsor (if any) in the research design, execution, analysis, interpretation and reporting; and
  • any other relevant financial and non-financial interests and relationships that might be considered likely to affect the interpretation of their findings or which editors, reviewers or readers might reasonably wish to know. This includes any relationship to the journal (for example, if editors wish to publish their own research in their own work).
Since 2019

Cite Score (Scopus): 0.5
Time to First Decision: 7 Days
Submission to Acceptance: 60 Days
Acceptance to Publication: 10 Days
Acceptance Rate: 20%
Call for Papers:
Special Issue on
Innovative Assessment in the Age of AI: Strategies for Quality
Why should you
Publish With Us?
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
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Prof. Waleed Sweileh