An-Najah University Journal for Law and Economics

Conflict of Laws in Electronic Transferable Records

Article info

None - None


  • Disputed
  • Transferable Record.
  • Electronic Records
  • Conflict of Laws


International trade has recently flourished and developed significantly, taking on a new form influenced by modern technology, carrying within its new topics that have affected the course and development of international trade. Among these topics are what are called transferable electronic records, which traditional international commercial law has ended up empty in view of the vast difference between them and traditional paper records in terms of their nature, form and characteristics. It is clear that traditional legal mechanisms that depend, for example, on dealing with papers and paper documents are unable to keep pace with the growth of electronic commerce. Therefore, those dealing in international trade at the present time have begun to use transferable electronic records as a means that is analogous to paper records and aims to achieve commercial reassurance and confidence in commercial transactions, and to open the door to the future of this trade by invoking the "functional counterpart" approach, as an approach based on analyzing the purposes and functions that were attributed to traditional paper documents with the aim of determining how to achieve those purposes or perform those functions through electronic commerce technologies. Regarding the subject of the study, The UNCITRAL Model Law (2017) organized electronic transferable records, which came after discussions and amendments that lasted for six years in order to make the electronic record a broad and flexible concept to include many electronic records that were previously excluded by international agreements. What is noteworthy is that the aim of this law is to enable the use of electronic transferable records nationally and across borders.

تنازع القوانين في السجلات الإلكترونية القابلة للتحويل

معلومات المقال

None - None

الكلمات الإفتتاحية

  • Disputed
  • Transferable Record.
  • Electronic Records
  • Conflict of Laws


أن دراسة السجلات الإلكترونية القابلة للتحويل وبيان مفهومها تتجلى بما لهذهِ السجلات من أهمية، لكونها أحد أدوات التجارة الإلكترونية الحديثة لتبسيط إجراءات الدفع ونقل البضائع، والذي يندرج في مفهومه العديد مِنْ الأدوات باعتباره المكافئ الوظيفي للسجلات والمستندات الورقية. ولأجل إيضاح الفكرة الأساسية للبحث، فقد تم تقسيمه إلى مبحثين: خُصص الأول منهما لبحث الظروف التأريخية التي سبقت إقرار القانون النموذجي بشأن السجلات الإلكترونية القابلة للتحويل 2017 ثم الإشارة بالبحث إلى مفهوم السجل الإلكتروني وفقًا لما حدّدته التشريعات والقوانين والاتفاقيات الدولية التي نظمته، ثم بيان خصائصه ومتى يعدَّ السجل دولي، بينما خُصّص المبحث الثاني دور الإرادة في تحديد القانون الواجب التطبيق.

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