Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used by patients with gastrointestinal tract disorders in the northern region of Palestine
Article info
97 - 116
- Ethnopharmacology
- Herbal plant
- gastrointestinal disorders
- decoction
There are many medicinal applications of natural plant remedies. Several illnesses are still being treated by Palestinian people using medicinal plants. This research was intended to study the use of natural plants to treat different types of gastrointestinal tract disorders (GITD). In the Northern part of Palestine (Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqilia, and Nablus), an ethno-pharmacological study of medicinal plants used to treat GITD has been carried out. A ques-tionnaire was circulated to 120 informants. The details gathered included the names of the plants, the parts used, the diseases for which the products were used, as well as the method of preparation. To evaluate results: UV (used value), Fic (factor of informant consensus), and FL (fidelity level) was calculated. This study showed that 40 plant species of 16 families were used for GITD. Labiatae (10 species) and Umbelliferae (8 species) were the most preva-lent plant families. The pieces used most commonly were leaves and seeds. Decoction was the technique of preparation and was taken as a hot drink. Abdominal flatulence (0.88) was the highest Fic value, followed by constipation (0.80). The maximum FLS were reported for Cucumissativus (100) and Prunusamygdalus (100) for heart burn, Solanum tu-berosum (100) for vomiting and diarrhea, Ficuscarica (100) as laxatives. The information provided on medicinal plants, with maximum UV & FL values can serve as basic data for further research to identify the active biological ingredients in these plants, and thereafter, to develop new drug preparations for the treatment of disorders of the digestive system.
Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used by patients with gastrointestinal tract disorders in the northern region of Palestine
معلومات المقال
97 - 116
الكلمات الإفتتاحية
- Ethnopharmacology
- Herbal plant
- gastrointestinal disorders
- decoction
There are many medicinal applications of natural plant remedies. Several illnesses are still being treated by Palestinian people using medicinal plants. This research was intended to study the use of natural plants to treat different types of gastrointestinal tract disorders (GITD). In the Northern part of Palestine (Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqilia, and Nablus), an ethno-pharmacological study of medicinal plants used to treat GITD has been carried out. A ques-tionnaire was circulated to 120 informants. The details gathered included the names of the plants, the parts used, the diseases for which the products were used, as well as the method of preparation. To evaluate results: UV (used value), Fic (factor of informant consensus), and FL (fidelity level) was calculated. This study showed that 40 plant species of 16 families were used for GITD. Labiatae (10 species) and Umbelliferae (8 species) were the most preva-lent plant families. The pieces used most commonly were leaves and seeds. Decoction was the technique of preparation and was taken as a hot drink. Abdominal flatulence (0.88) was the highest Fic value, followed by constipation (0.80). The maximum FLS were reported for Cucumissativus (100) and Prunusamygdalus (100) for heart burn, Solanum tu-berosum (100) for vomiting and diarrhea, Ficuscarica (100) as laxatives. The information provided on medicinal plants, with maximum UV & FL values can serve as basic data for further research to identify the active biological ingredients in these plants, and thereafter, to develop new drug preparations for the treatment of disorders of the digestive system.
Since 2022
Cite Score (Scopus): 0.8
Time to First Decision: 3 Days
Submission to Acceptance: 45 Days
Acceptance Rate: 17%
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The Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (Pal. Med. Pharm. J.) © 2024 by An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestine is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
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