Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (Pal. Med. Pharm. J.)

A Bibliometric Analysis of Cannabis-Related Research from 2010 To 2022
A Novel Physical Model and Mathematical Equation for Pre-process Wet granulation Endpoint Prediction
A retrospective analysis of postoperative complications after laparoscopic and open chol-ecystectomy in a Palestinian government hospital: associations between sociodemographic and surgical variables
A Review of chemical constituents and traditional usage of Neem plant (Azadirachta Indica)
A review of possible therapeutic agents for COVID-19 pandemic
Adherence to the management of type i diabetes among Palestinian patients in Nablus city: a cross-sectional study
Ameliorative effects of monofloral Cistus creticus bee pollen on the oxidant-antioxidant systems in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
An Overview of Nanocapsule and Lipid Nanocapsule: Recent Developments and Future Prospects
Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery syndrome of an 18-year-old Palestinian male: case report
Anti-Diabetic Potential of Therapeutic Medicinal Plants: A Review
Antioxidative and Antidiabetic Investigations of the aqueous extract of Pelargonium grav-eolens Grown in Palestine
Assemblage-Dependent Genetic Features of Giardia intestinalis in Humans
Assessment of dietary consumption in a group of pregnant women at their second and third trimesters in Amman
Assessment of Dissolution Performance of Immediate Release Ibuprofen Products:Screening of Products Available on the Palestinian Market
Association between smoking and acne vulgaris: a case-control study
Atypical presentation of Stafne’s Defect at the Mandibular Condyle: a case study from Jordan
Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening among Palestinian Women in Nablus Region, North-ern West Bank
Beneficial roles of sustained release formulations of diacerein microspheres in com-parison to free diacerein incomplete Freund's adjuvant (C.F.A.) induced arthritis model in rat
Biomechanical changes in hallux valgus in running conditions: a systematic scoping re-view
Blood exposure accidents - risk analysis and experimentation by FMECA
Characteristics and mortality of percutaneous coronary intervention patients in Palestine: a prospective cohort study
Characteristics of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Palestinian diabetics: A cross-sectional study
Clinically functional outcome of anatomically irreducible C3 pilon fracture classified de-pending on C.T. scan guidance and managed with Ilizarov method: a case report from Palestine
Colistin and Antimicrobial Resistance among Gram-Negative Bacteria Isolated from Poultry in West Bank, Palestine
Community Pharmacists' Knowledge towards the Proper Dosing Instructions and Interactions of Alendronate Therapy
Congenital diverticulum of the gallbladder, a rare anomaly: clinical, radiological, operative, and histopathological features
Counseling preferences of patients visiting community pharmacies in Palestine: a cross-sectional study
Covid-19 severity and urban factors: investigation and recommendations based on ma-chine learning techniques
COVID-19 vaccination coverage among female healthcare workers: a look at the gender gap
Cranial Nerve Anatomy in As-Safwa by Abu Nasr Al-Masihi
Defining Medication Errors, Prescribing Errors, and Adverse Drug Events: A Narrative Review
Depression among Palestinian Deaf Adults: A Cross-sectional Study
Dereplication study and pharmacological potentials of phytochemical constituents of Nigerian propolis from Umudike
Detection of Entamoeba species among Amoeba diagnosed infection in Nablus District
Determinants of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease in Palestine
Determinants of Poor Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients: Findings from the Baseline Survey in West Bank, Palestine
Determination of the cause and the manner of death in post-mortem cases in the West Bank in the years 2011-2021
Dissolution Method Development and Validation of Rutin Tablet
Double Major Duodenal Papillae: A Rare Congenital Anomaly identified during Endos-copy, Case Report
Drug utilization pattern and predictors of costs among patients with type II diabetes in Palestine
Effect of Ethanol Extract from Five Species of Salvia on the Spontaneous Contractile Ac-tivity of Isolated Rabbit Ileum
Effect of hemodialysis on intraocular pressure in Palestine: a single-center study
Effects of Daily Supplementation with High Dose Ascorbic Acid on Blood Lead Levels in Broiler Chicken after Intentional Exposure to a Concentrated Source of Lead
Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used by patients with gastrointestinal tract disorders in the northern region of Palestine
Evaluation of Compliance to Infection Control Protocols in the Governmental Hospitals in the West Bank/Palestine
Evaluation of Compliance to Treatment Guidelines and Goals of Therapy among Palestinian Hemodialysis Patients
Evaluation of hypertension knowledge among hypertensive and non-hypertensive adults: a cross-sectional study from Palestine
Evaluation of nurses’ professionals on issues related to preventing and awareness regard-ing COVID-19 infection: A cross-sectional survey from a developing country from a de-veloping country
Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of citrus pulp, peel, and juice extracts against Strep-tococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus
Evaluation of types, stages and treatment of breast cancer among Palestinian women
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Since 2022
ISSN (e)
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Waleed Sweileh