Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (Pal. Med. Pharm. J.)

Authors Guidelines

Important Information

Manuscripts submitted must not have been previously published or be forthcoming in an archive journal or book (print or electronic). Furthermore, by submitting material to the Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (PMPJ), the author agrees that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that they will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the editorial decision process at the Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (PMPJ) has been completed. Manuscripts should report unique data that address important biological issues. The study must be repeatable; the materials used must be made accessible to other researchers to perform the experiment.

Types of Articles

Full-length manuscripts, review manuscripts, short communications, case studies, and letters to the Editor.

Before submitting your work to the publisher for review, please refer to the appropriate section of this Author's Guide for further information. One author has been designated as the corresponding author, with contact information: institutional email address and full postal address. Every author should also provide their institutional email address. All necessary documents are available for submission, including:

  1. The complete manuscript file, including keywords, all figures with appropriate captions, all tables in editable format, and a note indicating whether or not color should be used for any figures in print.
  2. A cover letter addressed to the Editor (mandatory).
  3. Highlights/Graphical Abstract files (where applicable).

Additional Considerations

All references in the Reference List must be cited in the text, and vice versa. A competing interests declaration must be supplied if the authors have no conflicting interests to disclose. The journal's rules outlined in this guide have been evaluated.

Conflict of Interest Policy

All potential conflicts of interest must be fully disclosed to the Journal. All authors must declare any financial and personal links with other persons or organizations that might unfairly affect (bias) their work at the end of the manuscript text, under the subheading "Conflict of Interest Statement." If no conflicts of interest exist, the authors should state: "The authors declare that no conflicts of interest exist."

Research involving human participants, their data, or biological material requires ethical approval. Authors of research involving human or animal subjects should include a statement confirming that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee and reference number, if available). For research involving animals, their data, or biological material, authors should supply detailed information on the ethical treatment of their animals in their submission. If a study was granted exemption or did not require ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript.

Retrospective Ethics Approval

If a study has not been granted ethics committee approval before commencing, retrospective ethics approval usually cannot be obtained, and it may not be possible to consider the manuscript for peer review. The decision to proceed to peer review in such cases is at the Editor's discretion.

Ethics Approval for Case Studies

Case reports require ethics approval. Most institutions will have specific policies on this subject. Authors should check with their institution to ensure they are complying with the specific requirements of their institution and seek ethics approval where needed. Authors should also secure informed consent from the individual (or parent or guardian if the participant is a minor or incapable).


All submissions must be in English. Except for popular foreign terms and phrases, foreign words and phrases should be avoided. Authors should use appropriate, conventional English grammar. Content should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; include nothing that implies one person is superior to another based on age, gender, color, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability, or health condition; and use inclusive language throughout. Authors must guarantee that their work is devoid of bias, stereotypes, slang, references to the dominant culture, and/or cultural assumptions.

Author Contributions

All authors listed in your manuscript must have contributed significantly to the study. We invite authors to submit an author contribution statement detailing their particular contributions to the research using the CRediT roles: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Funding Acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project Administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing.

Changes to Authorship

Before submitting the study, authors should carefully consider the list of authors and the order in which they should be included. They should also provide the final author list at the time of the first submission. Any changes to the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript is accepted and with the permission of the Journal's Editor. To submit such a request, the Editor must receive the following information from the associated author: (a) the reason for the change in the author list; and (b) written confirmation (email, letter) from all authors that they approve the addition, deletion, or rearrangement. This includes agreement from the author being added or deleted in the case of author addition or removal. After the work has been authorized, the Editor will only consider adding, deleting, or rearranging authors in exceptional situations. The manuscript's publication will be paused while the Editor evaluates the request.

Funding Source

You are asked to identify who provided financial support for the research and/or preparation of the manuscript, as well as to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation, report writing, and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Specifying whether the financing source(s) had no such engagement is recommended.

Initial Submission

Authors should not write their names or affiliations since it is a double-blind review. The manuscript must include the following:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods and Materials
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
  • Consent for Publication
  • Availability of Data and Materials
  • Author's Contribution

The authors must state whether this manuscript is a student’s project.

Competing Interests
Authors must follow the Vancouver Style for citing the references.

Peer Review

The Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (PMPJ),  follows a rigorous peer review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research. Each manuscript submitted to Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (PMPJ),  is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the subject area. The peer review process aims to maintain the integrity of the research and provide constructive feedback to authors. The details of the peer review process are as follows:

  • Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial screening by the editorial team to ensure compliance with the journal's guidelines. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are then assigned to two independent reviewers for detailed evaluation.
  • For special issues, the peer review process remains the same, ensuring consistent quality across all manuscripts.
  • The editorial team will make the final decision regarding the manuscript's acceptance, revision, or rejection based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations.
  • The peer review process is designed to be transparent and fair, upholding the journal's commitment to disseminating accessible, practical, and up-to-date medical and pharmaceutical information.

Manuscript Template

  • Authors are required to adhere to the rules upon complete acceptance of their manuscript.
  • The authors must use the template provided below to submit the final version of the manuscript.Download Template

Suggesting Reviewers

Please provide the names and email addresses of several potential reviewers. It is best not to recommend reviewers who are coworkers, co-authors, or collaborators with you. Reviewers with possible conflicting interests with the authors are not invited by editors. Furthermore, to give a comprehensive and fair evaluation of the work while maintaining scientific rigor, please recommend varied possible reviewers from countries/regions other than the author group. Finally, you should not add current members of the Journal's editorial staff.


Authors must use Vancouver style for reference formatting at the time of submission. Where relevant, the author(s)' name(s), journal title/book title, chapter title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapter, and article number or pagination must all be included. DOI use is strongly recommended. Missing data will be indicated during the proofing step for the author to amend.

Since 2022

Cite Score (Scopus): 0.8
Time to First Decision: 3 Days
Submission to Acceptance: 45 Days
Acceptance to Publication: 10 Days
Acceptance Rate: 17%
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An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Waleed Sweileh

The Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal (Pal. Med. Pharm. J.) © 2024 by An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestine is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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