The Level of Job Satisfaction and the Ability to Psychosocial Adjustment for Workers Special Needs in the Irbid Governorate in View of Some Variables
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The Basic Human Principles that Govern the State of War between Islamic Law and International Law: A Comparative Study
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The Effect of Utilizing A Proposed Educational Program on Developing of the Kinesthetic Perception for Childhood Phase between (6-9) Years
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The Drawbacks Contained in the Authentic Abu Bakr Narration in Preventing Women from Assuming the Presidency of the State
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Social Upbringing Patterns as Realized by Children (Sons) and its Relationship to the Dimensions of Locus of Control among Youth Players of Basketball
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Since 2019
Cite Score (Scopus): 0.5
Time to First Decision: 7 Days
Submission to Acceptance: 60 Days
Acceptance to Publication: 10 Days
Acceptance Rate: 20%
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Innovative Assessment in the Age of AI: Strategies for Quality
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