An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The perceptions of Jerusalem schools' teachers for the effective leadership of their managers in the light of the responsibilities of Marzano and his colleagues
The Perceptions of the Teachers of the Primary Schools on the Employment Barriers of the Education Technology in the Classroom in the Schools of the Directorate of Special Education in the Capital Amman
The Performance Evaluation of the Audit Bureau of Jordan
The Performance of the Palestinian Industry: An Econometric Analysis of Industrial Production function 1994-2000
The Phenomenon of Emphatic Sounding in Arabic: A Phonetic, Descriptive and Experimental Study
The phenomenon of linguistic lisp between acquisition and disability (manifestations, causes, treatment)
The Phenomenon of Palestinian Runaway Girls and Its Relationship to Family Climate (Disintegration, Violence, and Impact of Friends): A Field Study in the Social Welfare Offices in Jerusalem
The Phenomenon of Phonological Transilion for the Voices: Ḍaad, Qaaf and Kaaf in the Accent of Palestinian Tubas Governorate
The phenomenon of stigmatization: the case oh delinquency and repeated deeds in Tunisian society
The photographic objectivity and operative objectivity: a critical study of the approach of Ayn rand and Abdel-Wahab- El Massiri
The Picture of the Occupied Islamic Towns in the Andalusia Poetry in the Age of Mowahideen and Morabiteen
The Place in the Novel “Soul Inspiration” by Mohamed Nassar
The Poetic Image in the Poetry of Al Qudsiyyat in 583 Hijra
The Poetics of T. S. Eliot and Salah Abdel-Sabour: A Thematic-Mythical Intertextuality
The Political and Administrative Role of the Kizlar a ghas in Egypt During the first Half of the twelfth Century A.H (A.D 1687-1737), in Contemporary Arabic Manuscript Sources
The Population Educational Structure in the West Bank
The Position of the Palestinian Islamic Movements on the Gulf Crisis
The Practice Extent of the Islamic Education Teachers in Developing their Students’ Self-Learning Skills in Busra Directorate
The Practiced Leadership Styles and their Relation to Administrative Communication Styles among Public School Principals in Jerash Governorate
The Predictive Ability of the Learning Environment Appearance of Bullying at Advanced Basic Stage in the Private Schools in Amman
The Prevailed Patterns of Socialization of the Palestinian Family from the Perspective of Al-Aqsa University Students in Khanyunis
The prevailing leadership styles of fitness coaches for referees from the point of view of the rulers in Jordan
The Prevalence of Superstitious Beliefs amongst Students of Educational Sciences Faculties at Jordanian Universities
The Prevalence of the Phenomenon of Competitive Behavior among Football Players in the Governorates of Gaza Strip
The Prevalent Mathematical Thinking Aspects of the Third Graders in Jordan
The principle of the common heritage of humanity in the light of the rules of public international law
The Principles Based on Overusage According to Al-Farra`‎‏ ‏in the Light of his Book (Ma’ni Al-Kor’aan)‎
The Problematic Aspect of Penalties Imposed in the Palestinian Income Tax Legislation - Comparative Study
The problematic linguistics in building second generation curricula 'linguistic approach in the curriculum of the fourth year of primary education'
The Problems of Metrics and Rhyme
The Procedures and Guarantees of Disciplinary Liability for the Public Sector Employee in the Jordanian Legislation
The Properties of the Sarsaq Family in Palestine 1869-1948‎
The prophetic method role in limiting the unemployment for young people
The Psychological and Social Effects Resulted from Unpaid Salaries to the Palestinian Authority Employees
The Psychology of Shopping: A Study of Shopping Behavior and ‎its Relation with the Demographic Variables in the Palestinian ‎Society
The Quality of Life of People affected with Aids in River Nile State – Sudan
The Quality of Teaching Performance for Teachers of Social and National Studies at Educational Stages in The Light of the Requirements of the Knowledge Economy
The qur’anic verses that presented the personality of the Muslim women in surah al-Qasas/ the eloquence statement study
The Real Status of External Funding in the Ramallah and Al-Bireh- Based Not – for- Profit Organisations in the West Bank: Motives, Obstacles, Ways of Inducing Donors, and Impact
The reality of Contemplative Practices and its Impact on Achievement of High Basic Stage Teachers in Province of Irbid
The Reality of Family Upbringing in the Palestinian Refugees Camps As Perceived By Children "A Field Study on a Sample of Refugees Students at Al Aqsa University in Gaza"
The Reality of Gender Mainstreaming in the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs in Jordan
The Reality of Health Services Programs Presented to Students of ‎Zarqa Governorate Schools from the School Principals Points of ‎View‎
The Reality of Immoral Crimes in Jordan during (1998 – 2004)‎‏ ‏A Sociological Study
The Reality Of Quality Of Graduate Program At An- Najah National University As Perceived By Their Student
The Reality of Smart Tourism Applications in the City of Aqaba According to the Perspective of Local Tourists: Case Study
The Reality of Sport Marketing Strategies in Jordan from the Viewpoint of Administrators of Sport Unions and Clubs
The Reality of Teaching the Theme of Homeland in Kindergartens in Jerusalem, and Teachers Attitudes towards teaching it
The Reality of the Application of Cost System in Islamic Bank- Jordan Case
The Reality of the Arabic Language in Algeria
ISSN (e)
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Ismail Warad