An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

Book Review: Palestinian Thinkers in the 20th Century
Book Review: Teaching The Thinking Skills ‎
Book Review: Thinking Skills‏ ‏Instruction (With hundreds practical ‎applications) Jawdat Ahmad Saadah‎
Brain Dominance and its Relation to Self-Regulated Learning among Eighth-Grade Students in Amman/ Jordan
Brotherly relationship as Predictors of Optimism and Pessimism among a Sample of Secondary Students in North Jordan
Building a Training Program Based on the Teaching Skills of Teachers of Islamic Education for Elementary School in Jordan
Building standard levels of metabolism during rest for students of the faculty of physical education at the university of Jordan
Burnout and the Level of Job Satisfaction and their Relationship among Resource Rooms Teachers in Jordan
Captive Women in the Pre –Islamic Poems (AL-Sabiyyah)
Career Commitment among Faculty Members at Al –Husn Jordanian University College from their View Points
Causes of Customers' Intentions to Split from their Banks: Testing the Mediating Role of Customers' Satisfaction
Challenges faced by individuals with disabilities participating in Paralympic games
Change in the Overall Fertility Rates of Jordanian Women in Light of the Use of Family Planning Methods: A Comparative Study
Child Employment in Palestine: An Empirical Field Study
Child Labor in the Refugee Camps around Nablus City
Choice of Law Applicable to E-Contract
Citizenship values as reflected in the talk shows on Palestinian satellite channels from the viewpoint of media lecturers in Palestinian universities in the Gaza Strip
Classification Ability Level and Wait – Time of Asking Questions by Sixth Grade Female Teachers and Their Relationship with their Students' Achievement in Social Education
Classroom Discipline Modes Practices as Perceived by Elementary ‎and Secondary School Teachers and Students in Palestine
Clinical use of MRI: Virtual Dark-Lumen MR Colonography: Technique, Application and Accuracy
Clinical Use of MRI: Whole body MR Angiography: Normal, Pathologic and Pitfalls
Cognitive behavioral counselling program to improve meaning in the life and its effect on the psychosocial compatibility among amputees of return march in Gaza strip
Cognitive biases and the communicative competencies among university students with partisan orientation
Cognitive Components of the Palestinian Popular Proverb Sociological Approach to Literary
Common Forms of Communication Among Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Jerusalem Schools, and the Challenges They Face
Common Instructional and Learning Strategies Used by Social Studies Teachers in the Upper Elementary Stage at UNRWA Schools from their Perspectives
Common Sport Injuries Sustained by the Physical Education Department Students at Al-Quds University
Common Sports Injuries AmongBasketball Players According to Position on The Court
Common strategies in children learning and teaching adopted by female teachers of the first three grades in Jordan
Common Thinking Styles in the light of the Mental Self-Government Theory amongst Students at Jordanian Universities
Common Verbal and Nonverbal Communication amongst Professional Players in Palestinian Football League
Communication Apprehension Among An-Najah National ‎University Students
Comparative Study of Assessing the Level of Morale Sprit among Faculty Members of Humanity Science Faculties - King Fiasal University and Hashemite University
Comparative Study of Strategic Planning Impediments in Yemeni and Jordan Sport League
Comparison between Flat Pattern and Draping for Preparing and adjust Fitted Coats Pattern
Comparison Study for Locus of Control to the Jordanian Youth Players and Arab Women League Football Players
Components of Fantasy Narration of Emil Habibi's Novel "the Strange Events of the Disappearance of the Pessi-Opti-Mistic Sa'eed Abunnahs"
Comprehensive Quality Standards in Teaching Literary Texts for the Tenth Grade Teachers in Gaza Governorate, and a Proposal Perception to Develop Them
Conceit Proposal for Development Skills of the Mathematics Teachers in the Secondary Stage in Gaza Governorate
Concept and Legislative Environment of Investment in the ‎Palestinian National Authority Controlled Areas: Analytical-‎Critical Study
Concept of Self at Male and Female of Motive Challenges in National ‎Sportive Teams in Jordan
Conceptual divergence between Edward Said and French theory: an investigation into the problems of reception and interpretation
Concurrency and succession for biocinematic rotation of motor transport at the start and end of movement of the Participating joints when performing the skill of jump shooting from the basketball
Conditions of Installment Sale in Islamic Jurisprudence
Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Mathematics Attitude Scale
Conflict of Connectivity and Transmission with Imam Al- Bukhari - Applied Theory Study
Conflict of laws over eligibility: comparative study
Constraints Facing the Training of Physical Education Teachers during the Service in the Governorates of Gaza Strip
Constructing an achievement test in mathematics using item response theory (tow parametric model)
Constructing an Instructional Program and Measuring its Effect on the Syntactic Knowledge and Performance in Arabic Writing of Basic Tenth Graders in Jordan
Since 2019
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Prof. Waleed Sweileh