An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Concept of Al-Baraka in the Glorious Qur’an “the Baraka of ‎Beit ‎ِAl- Maqdes” A linguistic and Literary Study‎
The Concept of Benefiting others in Islam, and it's Representation Extend on the Islamic University Majors in Gaza
The Concept of Plotting in the Holy Qur'an
The concept of the contravention between realization and negligence: an empirical study
The Condition and Potential Development of the Palestinian Cooperative Movement from the Perceptions of Policy and Decision Makers
The Congruence of Educational Historic forms that must be met in History Textbooks: Faculty Members at History Department ‘Perspectives alongside Textbook
The Consequences of Cessation the Circulation of the Unit of 10 Agorot of the New Israeli Shekel Currency in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine
The Construction of an Anxiety Scale of Professional Future among Visually Disabled Adolescents
The Contemporary Islam Jurists' Approach in Dealing with the “Exceptional Circumstances Theory”: Analysis and Criticism
The contemporary philosophical Qur’anic studies: subject’s problems, criteria of acceptance and examples
The Contextual Relations in the "L`écart" Phenomenon in the Arabic Language
The Contrast in BMI, the Age Group, and the Risk Factors for Car-diovascular Disease in Jordanian Men
The contribution degree of Jouf and Hail students to voluntary work: a descriptive study
The Contribution of Administrations of Students Affaires in Palestinian Universities in Reinforcing Extra-Curricular Activities among Students
The Contribution of Mental Toughness in Competitive Behavior among Swimmers
The Contribution of some Anthropometric and Physical ‎Measurements in Predicting Performance for Long and Triple ‎Jumps
The Contribution of Some Anthropometric Measures in Predicting Selected Static and Dynamic Pulmonary Volumes amongst Professional Soccer Players in Palestine
The contribution of the parenting styles and the social halo in predicting the choice of the academic track for the tenth grade students in Jordan
The Contribution Professionalism in Developing the Level of Soccer Game in the West Bank
The Courtyard (Hosh) System in Saffa During the Late Ottoman ‎Period
The crime of online drug trafficking in Palestinian Legislation
The Crisis of the Identity and its Relationship to Satisfaction with Life Among the Palestinian University Youths in the Israeli Universities (Haifa University is a Model)
The Criteria of Selecting Coaches in the Premier Football Clubs in Jordan
The Critical Impact of Al-Jurjani’s Book "Mediation between Al-Mutanabi and his Adversaries"
The current and future Palestinian-Russian trade relation
The Cynical Image in War Poetry with the Poets of the Zankia and Ayyoubean States
The Degree at which Geography Teachers have the Structural Teaching Principles in the Basic Higher Stage in Al-Karak Governorate from their Point of View
The Degree of Availability of Effective Communication Skills of Arabic language Teachers in UNRWA Schools in Jordan from the Students Standpoint and the Relationship with their Achievement
The degree of availability of the environmental values included in the books of islamic education for the higher basic stage in Jordan "analytical study"
The Degree of Chemistry Teachers Practice of Educational Technology Competencies from Their Perspective and Their Students Point of View in Jordan
The Degree of Elementary School Teachers' Self-Esteem at Russaifa Education Directorate and its Relationship with their Achievement Motivation
The Degree of Employing Science and Geography Teachers the Principles of Social Constructivism Theory in Teaching the Basic Stage in UNRWA Schools, Jordan
The Degree of Fear of Crime among Householders in the City of Nablus
The Degree of Implementing Current Events Skills in Teaching the Upper Elementary Stage amongst History Teachers in the Private Education Directorate in Amman
The Degree of Inclusion of Twenty-First Century Skills in the Devel-oped Science Textbook of the Eighth Grade in Jordan
The Degree of Interest of Public Schools Principals in the Physical Education Classes and its Practice from the Physical Education Teachers Perspective in North West Bank District
The degree of involvement of the upgraded mathematics books for students of the low basic stage in light of the "Romey" coefficient in Palestine
The degree of Islamic education teachers' mastery of the rules and pedagogy of Telawa and Tajweed from Islamic education teachers' point of view
The Degree of Needs for the Faculties of Arts in the Jordanian Universities Students' to Include the National Security Concepts in the Subject of National Education
The Degree of Physics Teachers, use of Instructional and Assessment Strategies Included in Science Curriculum in Jordan
The degree of possessing media education skills by Al - Albayt University students in light of some variables
The Degree of Practical Course Influence in Providing the Life Skills of Students in the Field of Physical Education at An-Najah National University
The Degree of Practicing Students Activities Accompanying the Curriculum in the Intermediate Stage as Perceived by Teachers and its Relation to Their Students Achievement in Kuwaiti Schools - Empirical Study
The degree of practicing the ethics for university teaching profession by a university professor as viewed by the educational diploma female students at Taibah University
The Degree of Practicing the Governmental School Principals in Al Mazar Al Shamali District their Distributed Leadership from the Perspectives of Teachers
The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership by Principals of AL-Karak Governorate and its Relationship with Teachers’ Individual Innovative Behavior
The Degree of Readiness of An-Najah National University Teachers in Using Moodle in the Teaching Process According to Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework
The Degree of Representing Philosophical Foundations in The National and Civic Educational Curriculum of the Upper Basic Stage in Jordan
The Degree of Science Teachers' Practicing of their New Roles in Light of the Orientations of Knowledge Economy Competence in Jordan and its Relationship to some Variables
The Degree of the Basic Stage Students’ Interest in Science as Related to their Gender, Class Level, and Academic Achievement
ISSN (e)
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Ismail Warad