- E
- Exploring the Relationship Between Occupational Stress and Organizational Commitment among Nurses in Selected Jordanian Hospitals
- Extent of Commitment of the Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs Institutions to the Requirements of Total Quality Management from the Social Workers Viewpoint
- Extraversion and Neuroticism and its Effect on Short and Long – Term Memory among Al-Quds Open University Students at Tulkarm Educational Region
- E‐Recruitment in Palestine: A study into applicant perceptions of an online application system
- F
- Factorial structure of a math anxiety scale using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
- Factors Activate the International Initiatives for the Challenges of the Accelerating Conflict from an Islamic Perspective
- Factors Affecting Arab Students’ Selection of Jordanian Universities
- Factors Affecting Customers’ Adoption of Internet Services in Amman City
- Factors Affecting Growth of the Construction Sector: Case of Jordan
- Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Jordanian Industrial Companies listed at Amman Stock Exchange Perceived by Internal Auditing Staff
- Factors Influencing the Age at First Marriage in the Governorate of Nablus
- Factors Predicting the Drainage and Failure of Students at the Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University Using the Method of Logistics Regression
- Factors that Affect the Use of Information Technology in the Process of Education in North Palestinian Schools
- Factors that Limit Islamic Education Teachers Practicing their Expected Roles in Controlling Students' Behavior in the Educational Field
- Faculty Staff and Students Assessments of the Graduate Programs at Al-Quds University
- Family Violence Against Women: Its Causes, & the Islamic Measures to Deal with It
- Fast Reaction by Prophets and its Educational Effects in the Holy Qur'an
- Features of Implications in Arabic Spelling and Articulation
- Feedback Revisited: The Impact of Peer Commentary on Students’ Attitudes and Writing Performance in the EFL Classroom
- Financial and Social Effects of Divorce
- Financial intermediation in Islamic banks: an analytical jurisprudence study
- Floral Decorations in the Abbasid Palace Architecture in Baghdad "Analytical Study"
- Folktales in Walid Saif Poetry
- Forehead & Echo, Echo of Soul, in Pre-Islamic Poetry
- Foreign Currency Substitution in Jordan
- Forest Fire Prediction in northwest Jordan
- Formation of Jewish Population in Palestine Before 1948
- Forming a Legitimate Verification Program at the Alms Bureau
- Freedom of Guild Work in the Jordanian Labor Law Comparative with International Standards
- French Indefinite letters and their Equivalents in Arabic: Contrastive Study
- Functionality of the Physical Education Teachers: A case Study of Physical Education Teachers in Karak Governorate
- Future Scenarios for the Use of Information and Communication Technology in the Development of the Educational System
- G
- Game theory from traditional literature to digital literature
- Geographic Variation of Incidence Rates of Cancer and Associated Risk Factors in Northern West Bank, Palestine, 2005-2008
- Geomorphological Phenomena in the Drainage Basin of Wadi Al-Qelt
- Geomorphology and the Possibilities of Resolving Sinking Problem in Marj Sanour
- Gethsemane at Jerusalem in the Memoirs of Foreign Pilgrims and Travelers until the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
- Giving Zakat in Building Mosques and Schools Equipment: Comparative study
- Globalization and Islamic Discourse
- Graphite Writing and Socio-linguistics law
- Guardians Prospective toward Youth Centers in three Regions in Jordan
- H
- Habermas' Public Space: In Concept and Historical Transformations
- Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study
- Haj Amin Al-Hussieni between Traditional Dogmatism and Political Pragmatism: Case Study in the Palestinian Political Elites
- Halting the execution of the judgment as a guarantee for the conviction of immediate execution according to the Palestinian law of implementation no. 23, 2005
- Hamas Movement in the Light of Public International Law
- He Rhetorical Poetry Verses by MUHAMMAD AL-QAISI in his Collection (MUNMNAMAT ALISA)
- Health Behavior among Gifted and Normal Students at Ajloun District, and its Relationship with their Academic Achievements
- Health Economics In Palestine Within A Global Context: A Review Study Till 2006
- Healthy Behavior to Athletes among Physical Impairment Sport Clubs in Jordan
Since 2019
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