An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

Exploring the Relationship Between Occupational Stress and Organizational Commitment among Nurses in Selected Jordanian Hospitals
Extent of Commitment of the Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs Institutions to the Requirements of Total Quality Management from the Social Workers Viewpoint
Extraversion and Neuroticism and its Effect on Short and Long – Term Memory among Al-Quds Open University Students at Tulkarm Educational Region
E‐Recruitment in Palestine: A study into applicant perceptions of an online application system
Factorial structure of a math anxiety scale using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
Factors Activate the International Initiatives for the Challenges of the Accelerating Conflict from an Islamic Perspective
Factors Affecting Arab Students’ Selection of Jordanian Universities
Factors Affecting Customers’ Adoption of Internet Services in Amman City
Factors Affecting Growth of the Construction Sector: Case of Jordan
Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Jordanian Industrial Companies listed at Amman Stock Exchange Perceived by Internal Auditing Staff
Factors Influencing the Age at First Marriage in the Governorate of Nablus
Factors Predicting the Drainage and Failure of Students at the Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University Using the Method of Logistics Regression
Factors that Affect the Use of Information Technology in the Process ‎of Education in North Palestinian Schools
Factors that Limit Islamic Education Teachers Practicing their Expected Roles in Controlling Students' Behavior in the Educational Field
Faculty Staff and Students Assessments of the Graduate Programs at Al-Quds University
Family Violence Against Women: Its Causes, & the Islamic Measures to Deal ‎with It‎
Fast Reaction by Prophets and its Educational Effects in the Holy Qur'an
Features of Implications in Arabic Spelling and Articulation
Feedback Revisited: The Impact of Peer Commentary on Students’ Attitudes and Writing Performance in the EFL Classroom
Financial and Social Effects of Divorce
Financial intermediation in Islamic banks: an analytical jurisprudence study
Floral Decorations in the Abbasid Palace Architecture in Baghdad "Analytical Study"
Folktales in Walid Saif Poetry
Forehead & Echo, Echo of Soul, in Pre-Islamic Poetry
Foreign Currency Substitution in Jordan
Forest Fire Prediction in northwest Jordan
Formation of Jewish Population in Palestine Before 1948‎
Forming a Legitimate Verification Program at the Alms Bureau
Freedom of Guild Work in the Jordanian Labor Law Comparative with International Standards
French Indefinite letters and their Equivalents in Arabic: Contrastive Study
Functionality of the Physical Education Teachers: A case Study of Physical Education Teachers in Karak Governorate
Future Scenarios for the Use of Information and Communication Technology in the Development of the Educational System
Game theory from traditional literature to digital literature
Geographic Variation of Incidence Rates of Cancer and Associated Risk Factors in Northern West Bank, Palestine, 2005-2008
Geomorphological Phenomena in the Drainage Basin of Wadi Al-Qelt
Geomorphology and the Possibilities of Resolving Sinking Problem in Marj Sanour
Gethsemane at Jerusalem in the Memoirs of Foreign Pilgrims and Travelers until the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
Giving Zakat in Building Mosques and Schools Equipment: Comparative study
Globalization‎ and Islamic Discourse
Graphite Writing and Socio-linguistics law
Guardians Prospective toward Youth Centers in three Regions in Jordan
Habermas' Public Space: In Concept and Historical Transformations
Hadith “Burier and Buried Female are in the Hell” Analytic Critical Study
Haj Amin Al-Hussieni between Traditional Dogmatism and Political ‎Pragmatism: Case Study in the Palestinian Political Elites
Halting the execution of the judgment as a guarantee for the conviction of immediate execution according to the Palestinian law of implementation no. 23, 2005
Hamas Movement in the Light of Public International Law
He Rhetorical Poetry Verses by MUHAMMAD AL-QAISI in his Collection (MUNMNAMAT ALISA)
Health Behavior among Gifted and Normal Students at Ajloun District, and its Relationship with their Academic Achievements
Health Economics In Palestine Within A Global Context: A Review Study Till 2006
Healthy Behavior to Athletes among Physical Impairment Sport Clubs in Jordan
Since 2019
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An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
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Prof. Waleed Sweileh