An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Security Awareness and its Relationship to the Major Personality Factors among Palestinian Security Personnel (The National Security in Jenin Governorate is A Model)
The Self Evaluation of Teachers/ Students Competencies in Teaching Physical Education at Al-Aqsa –University- Gaza
The Self-Efficiency and Its Relationship with Psychological Pressures that faces the Security Bodies in the Palestinian Security Institutions
The Semantic Clarity of Definite Words and its Impact on their Structure and Grammatical Function
The semantic photo and its forms in the visual discourse
The Semantic Values of Arabic Sounds
The Semiotics of Comparative Article
The Semiotics of Paratexts in Haifa Betar's Novel "Bleeding Dreams" A Study in Modern Literary Criticism
The Serious Obstacles Facing Teachers in Finding and Preparing a Reliable Quranic generation
The Settlement Patterns during the Early Bronze Age in ‎Palestine
The Sibahis and their Relationship with the People in the Countryside of the Jerusalem during the 17th Century
The situation of spatial development in Al-Mafraq governorate
The Social Benefits Resulting from the Physical Activity According to the Point of View of the Yarmouk University Students
The Social Dimension of Water Deficit: Case Study – East Jordan ‎Valley
The Social Relationships among the Students of the Faculty of Physical Education at An-Najah National University
The Songs Contained in the Book “Our Arabic Language” for the First Three Grades: Their Domains and Their Performance Level by Female of Elementary School Teachers in Russaifa Education Directorate
The Space Dimension of Jordanian Penal Code Comparative Study with French legislation
The spatial -temporal variation of population in the city of Aqaba and the factors influencing it during the period 1979-2015
The Spatial variation of the crime in Amman
The Speculation Trend within Fadwa's Poem
The Stability of the Right in the Sale
The Stages of Al-Jihad Permission and its Modern Implication (A Comparative Jurisprudence Study)
The Standard of Voting for the Members of the Palestinian ‎Legislative Council in the 2006 Elections According to the ‎Palestinian Voters
The Status of Crisis Management in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions: Al-Balqa Applied University Astudy Case
The Status of Scout Movement at Govermental Schools in “Ramallah and Al- Bireh” From the Point of View of Principals and Scout Leaders and Suggestions for its Development
The Status of Urban System in Bethlehem Governorate: Study on Urban Geography
The Steadfastness of Economic Strategies Used by the Palestinian ‎Rural Families During the Al Aqsa Intifada (Qalqiliya Villages: A ‎Case Study)‎
The Story Drama in the Hadith - Stylistic Reading
The Strategic Impact on Learning Concepts among Second Grade Students in Science
The Strategies of Memory Promoting Used by Al- Quds Open University Students in Maintaining and Remembering the Information
The Study of Literary Text and Music in Tannhauser Opera by Richard Wagner
The Study of the Market's Needs for the Major Home Economy – Fashion design
The Sultanate of Oman in the international Order between 1980 and 1991
The Suluk Ritual in the Tradition of the Tariqa (Sufi Order) Naqsyabandiyyah Al-Kholidiyyah Jalaliyyah in Indonesia
The symbolism of violence in the novel (my wish is to kill a man) by (Suad al Shamsi)
The synergistic effect of a proposed sport and nutrition suggested program on some physiological and physical variables in diabetic (type ii)
The textual thresholds and the narrative techniques in prophet Mohammad (PBUH) farewell Khutba
The Theme of “Return”: Rituals and Perceptions, in Arabic Palestinian Poetry
The Threshold of Marginality and the Efficacy of the Narrative Discourse in the Ghassan Kanafani's Novel “The Apricot of April”
The Training Needs for Secondary Stage Teachers in Light of Necessary Competencies for Taking Care the Gifted Students
The Transition from the Standard Levels to Creterion Reference on the Effect of Physical Exercise Self-directed to improve some Elements of Physical Fitness and Health to the Female Students in Basic Stages of Bani Obid Schools / Irbid
The Translatability of Terms of Address in Najib ‎Mahfouz’s Ziqaq Al-Midaq into English‎
The Translatability of Utterances Containing Implicatures ‎from Arabic into English
The translation of modern English poetry into Arabic: treating the idiosyncrasies of content and form
The Translation of Palestinian Folksongs in Ibrahim Nasrallah's Time of White Horses
The Treatment of Some Deviation Cases in Non-Standard Data Using Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Applied to Arabic Language
The tribe in Yemen and its impact on the political structure and social integration
The Trilling Method on Violin in Arabian Music
The Undesirable Behaviors Practiced by Faculty Members from the Points of View of Yarmouk University Students: A Survey Study
The Undone Divorce between Sharia and the Personal Status Law in Palestine and other Arab Countries
ISSN (e)
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Ismail Warad