- T
- Theatre Directing between Craft and Creativity: The Play "Cross Words” as a Model
- Thinking styles in light of the Sternberg's model on a sample of Gaza University students
- Threshold Models in the Palestinian Folklore Song (Bukra Al-Eid Whenaied) Song (Tomorrow Is A Feast) As A Model
- Thur-Rummah Baaiyyah between Old and Recent Scholars
- Time in the Engraving on the Heart’s Wall by the Novelist, Habeeb Hana
- Title Indications in Nadir Huda’s Poetry
- To Use or Not To Use Arabic in English Language Teaching
- Towards a Legal Regulation to Withdraw Judicial Decisions in Jordanian Law
- Towards a smart University in the light of 21st century skills
- Towards construction of an investor sentiment index in the Arab stock markets
- Trace of Difference Quranic Recites in Al Wagf and Abteda in the Holy Quran
- Trade Secrets Protection in the Jordanian Law
- Traditional Versus Nontraditional Methods of Teaching: the Impact on Nursing Teaching Effectiveness and Student’s Achievements at Nursing Colleges
- Training Needs Assessment Process for the Employees of the Non Governmental Organizations in Gaza strip
- Training Needs at the Alternative Evaluation Tools and Strategies for Mathematics Teachers in the Directorate of Education in Nablus
- Training Needs of Female Physical Education Teachers in the Jordanian Upper Basic Schools from Their Point of Views
- Training of Military Arts, Judgment and Methods
- Transference of Learning Effect of Handspring Skill on Learning Front Turn over Jumping Horse
- Transformational Leadership and its Relationship with Employee Empowerment in the Palestinian Universities in Gaza Strip
- Transformational Leadership of Academic Leaders in Official Jordanian Universities and its Relation with Teaching Staff Empowerment
- Translating with ‘differance’: The Old Testament as a case study
- Translation of Politeness in Audio-Visual Advertising from English to Arabic
- Transtextuality Narrative in Palestinian Short Story
- Treatment of Subtrochanteric Fractures in Adolescent Patients with Reconstructive Trochanteric Antigrade Nail
- Trends of Researchers in Islamic Banking and Financial Intermediation
- Troubled Credit Determinants at the Palestinian Banks
- Trying Out the Electronic Case Management System in the UAE and Its Compliance with Fundamental Judicial Guarantees
- Turkish-Iranian Rivalry in the Middle East
- U
- Unique Combination of Junctional Level Injuries to the Spine
- Universities competitiveness to increase the economic competitiveness a lecture in the fundaments and dimensions under the light of the Singapore experience
- University facilities available for the deaf-mute students at Jordanian universities
- University students’ attitudes toward the physically disabled in Palestine and Norway: a multidimensional, comparative and quantitative study
- University Teachers’ Perceptions of the Importance of Services, Skills and Teaching Aids Provided by the University Learning Resources Center
- University-industry partnership in the Arab word: case of Jordan
- Unraveling Arabic Learning Challenges: A Case Study at SOAS
- Unraveling the Impact of Cognitive Test Anxiety on Academic Performance among Adolescents: the case of minority and majority communities.
- UNRWA Teacher's Attitudes in Irbid Educational Area towards Teaching Career in Light of Some Variables
- Urban Aspects in the City of Nablus in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
- US Presidential Campaigns on the Internet from 1992 to 2016: Critical analytical vision
- Using Competitive Situations for Developing Basketball Jump Shooting Skill among Physical Education Students at AL- Aqsa University
- Using Item Response Theory in Constructing the Item Pool in Criterion- Referenced Testing with Dichotomous and Polytomous Items according to Two – Parameter Logistic Model
- Using reflective journals to promote authentic learning in an English writing course
- Using the graded response model in estimating the psychometric properties of the career future anxiety scale among universities students in the Sultanate of Oman
- V
- Validity and reliability of the cognitive complexity scale_ factorial analysis on Yarmouk University’s students
- Validityand Reliability of the Cognitive Styles Test (TCS) – A Psychometric Study on Jordanian Universities' Students
- Values in the Drama of Islamic History: An Analytical Study of the Conquest of Andalus Series
- Variations of Childbearing among Women in the Palestinian Territories
- Verifying the One-dimensional Assumption under item Response Theory, Using Exploratory Factor Analysis versus Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Comparative Study
- Virtual Bonds and Transformed Homes: Diaspora and Ict in Inaam Kachachi’s the Dispersal
- Vision of Animated Cartoon Programs in the Palestinian TV for Enhancing the Child Identity
Since 2019
Call for Papers:
Special Issue on
Innovative Assessment in the Age of AI: Strategies for Quality
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- 2311-8962
- 1727-8449
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- Prof. Waleed Sweileh