An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Effect of Teaching Unit in Accordance with using of Cognitive-Affective Interaction Model on the Perceived Self-Efficacy among 10th Grade Students
The Effect of Teaching using Instruction Package and Software Booklet on Kinetic and Cognitive Self-Learning Jump Server in Volleyball for the Students of Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Jordan
The Effect of Teaching using Suchman Investigative Model and Systematic Cognitive Comprehensive Model on the Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Developing Critical Thinking Skills among Female Eighth Graders
The Effect of Test Length and Ability Distribution Form on the Estimation of A person's Ability According To Rasch Model in Item Response Theory
The Effect of the Brainstorming Teaching Method on UNRWA- FES ‎Students' Achievement and their Critical Thinking in the Geography ‎Course
The Effect of the Cubing Strategy in the Achievement of the Basic Seventh Grade Students in Mathematics in Qalqilya Governorate and their Attitudes Towards it's learning
The Effect of the Internet on Improving Foreign Language Students' Writing Performance
The effect of the length of a questionnaire on the accuracy estimations of the ability and the psychometric properties of the item and scale in the light of item response theory
The Effect of the Professional Player in Developing the Level of the Handball Games in Jordan, from Point of View of the Trainers
The Effect of the Strategy of Learning by Playing on the Student's Acquisition of the Scientific Concepts and their Attitudes towards the Study of Science among a Sample of Second Basic Grade Students in Jordan
The Effect of the Suggested Sport Program on the Improvement of the Image of the Body and the Notion of Self-Esteem among Persons with Disabilities
The Effect of Time of Measurement on some Physiological Variables and Anaerobic Capacity in Tennis and Table Tennis Players
The Effect of Training and Top Management Support on Frontline Eemployees' Performance in Service Sector in Jordan
The effect of training on tests forms of program for international student assessment (PISA) in improving tenth grade students' performance in reading comprehension tests in Irbid directorate
The Effect of two Warm up Approaches in the Distance and the Speed of Volleyball Players Vertical Jump in Yarmouk University
The Effect of Using a Teaching Strategy Based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory on Achievement in Arabic Language content and on Improving the Critical Thinking Skills among Sixth Grade Pupils at the Public Schools of Nablus District
The Effect of Using an Electronic Teaching Package on (Cognitive & Skill) Self Learning for Service & Receive in Volleyball
The Effect of Using Brain Storming in Teaching Science in Developing Creative Thinking Skills for Basic Seventh Grade Students of Tafila Schools – South of Jordan
The Effect of Using Collaboration Learning Strategy on Development the Nine Grade Students Achievement in Art Education
The effect of using command and practice styles on some ground movements skills of artistic gymnastics among female students in the faculty of physical education at An-Najah National University
The Effect of Using Constructivist Learning Model on Formation of the Conceptual Structure in Chemistry among 12th Grader Students in the United Arab Emirates
The Effect of Using Current Events Teaching Method on the Achievement of Primary 10th Graders in Patriotic & Social Education and Related Attitudes
The effect of using different methods of warm up on some kinematic variables in the shuttle run test (4 × 10 m)
The effect of using educational films on achievement among the eighth-grade students in the city of Tulkarm
The effect of using favorite music to improving maximum strength (1RM) on the course weightlifting students at the University of Jordan
The Effect of using Floating Equipment that Helps in Learning some ‎Basic Swimming Skills for Students of Physical Education in ‎Palestine Technical College
The Effect of Using GeoGebra Software on Mathematical Problem Solving and Mathematical Anxiety among High Basic Stage Students
The Effect of Using Instructional Technology on Pharmacy Students’ Reading Comprehension at Al -Isra University
The Effect of using K-W-L Strategy in the Achievement of Fifth-Grade Students in Reading and their Attitudes towards it's learning in Public Schools in Nablus
The Effect of using Mind Maps and Conceptual Maps on the Achievement and the Development of Creative Thinking for Sixth Grade Students in Science in Palestine
The effect of using programmed education on the academic achievement of the higher basic stage students in science in Jordan
The Effect of Using Puzzles and Games on Students’ Mathematical Thinking at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts (UNRWA)
The Effect of Using Revised learning Cycle in Developing the Critical Thinking Skills of 10th Grade Female Students in Jordan
The Effect of Using the Aqua Yoga Exercises on the Improvement of Breathing and Relaxation Operations by Beginners in Swimming Sport
The Effect of Using the Conceptual Maps Strategy in the Acquisition of Concepts of Jurisprudence and the Development of Reflective Thinking among a Sample of Middle School-Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The effect of using the flipped classroom strategy on the classroom participation of female students in the subject of Islamic education in the light of their academic achievement
The Effect of Using the Reciprocal Style on Some Life Skills of First Year Students at Al-Jouf University
The Effect of Using the Six Thinking Hats Strategy on Understanding Scientific Concepts and Acquisition of Scientific Thinking Skills among the Basic Stage Students in Light of their Locus of Control
The Effect of Using the Socratic Method in Teaching Geometry on the Mathematical Achievement and the Critical Thinking of Educational Sciences Faculty Students in UNRWA in Jordan
The Effect of Using the Workshop Approach for Teaching Writing on Students' Writing Self-Perception
The Effect of Using Tow Teaching Methods on Utilizing the Time of Physical Education Lesson and on Improving the Students’ Achievement in some of the Volleyball Skills
The Effect of Using Web Quest on the Arabic Language's Cognitive Achievement of 9th Grade Students in Jordan
The Effect of Utilizing A Proposed Educational Program on Developing of the Kinesthetic Perception for Childhood Phase between (6-9) Years
The Effect Of Varied Intensity Interval Training On Some Physiological Variables And Numerical Level Among Long Distance Runners On The Scientific School To The Yemen Capital – Sana'a
The Effect of Visual Feedback on Learning Dive in Volleyball among Stduents of Physical Education in Jordan University
The effect submitted effort exerted by cross-country players on the hormone’s angiotensin 2 and aldosterone and the level of mineral salts responsible for fluid balance
The effective of an instructional program based on social interactional theory on speaking skills in Arabic language among ninth grade female students in Jordan
The Effective of the Chinese Position Towards the Achievement of Palestinian Political Goals
The Effective of Thinking Aloud During Working on Dynamic Tasks Related to Decision Making on Performance & Motivation
The Effectiveness of A brain – Based Teaching Design in Eighth Graders' Achievement of Physics Concepts and scientific Thinking Level
ISSN (e)
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Ismail Warad