An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Capital Structure of Non-Financial Companies Listed in the Palestinian Stock Exchange Market During (2011-2014)
The Impact of Counseling Program based on (ARCS) Model in Developing the Motivation for Learning among A sample of Third – Middle Grade Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Impact of Customers Information Management on Organizational Performance and Competitive Advantage: A Field Study of Palestinian Corporations
The Impact of Demographic Factors on Human Communication Skills among Arab Adults
The Impact of Discovered Errors on Audit Materiality and the External Auditor's Opinion - An Empirical Study in Auditing Offices in Jordan
The Impact of Educational Program to Enhance the Angle of the trunk by the Undulation Technique of breaststroke Using Pool Noodle as a Tool
The impact of employing the (formulate - share - listen - create) strategy on the development of conceptual and procedural knowledge among fourth grade students
The Impact of Employing the (Think - Pair - Share) Strategy to Gain Some Number Sense Skills and Mathematical Communication Skills Among Fifth Grade Students.
The Impact of External Trade on Economic Growth and Development in Palestine: 1995-2014
The Impact of Extreme Values Processing in the TIMMS International Assessment (TIMSS, 2011) on the Parameters and Accuracy of Paragraphs' Parameters in Accordance with the Theory of Response to the Paragraph
The Impact of Flipped Classroom Approach in Acquiring Motivation towards Science Learning and Academic Achievements on Ninth-Grade Female Students
The Impact of Frequent Training to Improve Anaerobic Distinctive Threshold and Accomplishment for the Long-Distance Runners
The Impact of Guided Discovery Approach in Developing Meta Cognitive Thinking and Achievement in Math among 9th Grade Students in Gaza Governorates
The impact of ICT on the performance of staff in the Ministry of Youth of Jordan
The Impact of Incentives on the Players of First Division Clubs for Handball in Jordan
The impact of institutional governance mechanisms on the dimensions of the efficiency of intellectual capital and the role of the size of the company in the Jordanian Shareholding industrial companies
The Impact of Integration of Three Parts of CoRT Program for Teaching Thinking in Science Textbooks on Achievement, Scientific Skills & Decision Making Ability among 7th Graders in Palestine
The impact of job stress and job satisfaction on employee performance: The case of the Software Companies in Palestine
The Impact of Knowledge Management Dimensions on Acquiring Competitive Advantage
The impact of learning based on brain theory in achievement and mathematical thinking skills among ninth grade students
The Impact of Lifestyle on the Destination Choice - A Field Study on Jordanian Tourist
The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Returns: Evidence from Palestine
The Impact of Management Information Systems features on Employees Innovation (An empirical study on the Jordanian Commercial Banks in Northern Region)
The impact of parental relationship in promoting the culture of citizenship among children: an applied study of the families of el-Shati’ refugee camp in Gaza city, Palestine
The Impact of Peer Feedback on Improving the Writing Skills Among Hebron University Students
The Impact of Pilates and Weight Exercises on some Physical and Kinematics Variables on Butterfly Stroke
The Impact of Population Growth on the Services Sector in the City of Mafraq
The Impact of Porter’s Competitive Strategies on the Performance of the Industrial Sector in the city of Hebron
The impact of positive thinking on anxiety level of corona virus/ covid-19 infection during the lockdown among UNRWA staff in Jordan
The Impact of Proposed Educational Program for Enhancing Kinesthetic Perception Level on Learning Treading Deep Water in Swimming
The Impact of Quality Exercises on Performing the Front Handspring Vault among the PE Students in the University of Palestine
The Impact of Self-training Exercises in the Development of some Elements of Physical Fitness among Football Players in the Prince Ali of Oaeidin Centers (10-14) Years
The Impact of Social Media on the Motivation of Learning and Decision-Making among Secondary Students in the City of Amman
The Impact of some Temporal and Mechanical Variables on A successful Shooting of Free Throws in Wheelchair Basketball
The Impact of Strengthening the Core Muscles on the Improvement of Parallel Bars Hands Balancing for the PE Students
The Impact of Teaching Activates Based on the Quranic Modules on Improving the Expressive Performance of the Fifth Grade Literary Students in Iraq
The Impact of Teaching Strategies (Command and Reciprocal Strategy) in Improving the Motor Performance and Learning Skills in Basketball
The Impact of Teaching Strategy Based on Montessori Theory on the Level of Phonemic Awareness among the 1st Grade Students in Jordan in Light of the Mother's Educational Level
The Impact of Television Advertisements on the Social Behavior of the Palestinian University Female Students
The Impact of the Development of the Motor Sensory System on Learning Performance Skill on the Parrallel for Elementery School Students
The Impact of the Employment of Drama in Improving the Skills of Solving Arithmetic Problems Verbal Students with Basic First Grade in Rafah
The Impact of the Employment of Web 2.0 Technologies on the Motivation of Foreign Language Learners
The Impact of the Financial Crisis to Support the Accounting Conservatism Policy: A Study in the Jordanian Industrial Corporations
The Impact of the Interdisciplinary Approach in the Art Education Curriculum on Creative Thinking & Motivation among Sixth Grade Students in Salfit District
The Impact of the learning Back Handspring Tumbling Skill on the Achievement in High level Jump
The Impact of the Roundhouse Strategy in Teaching Syntax of Arabic Language on the Achievements among Ninth Grade Students
The Impact of the Social Characteristics on the Controlling Approach on the Elite of the Legislative Members in the Palestinian Political System (1996-2005)
The impact of the use of problem- solving strategy in teaching some basic skills in volleyball on the life skills of students in the tenth grade
The Impact of theCovid-19 pandemic on the Auditing of Subsequent Events of financial lists in Accordance with the International Auditing Standard No. (560)
The Impact of Three Types of Written Feedback on the Motivation and Writing Skill of English Major Students at Hebron University
ISSN (e)
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
P.O. Box
7, 707
(970)(9)2345113/5/6/7-Ext. 2628
[email protected]
Prof. Ismail Warad